Anna Hazare's fast against corruption


Mar 2, 2011
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

guys my 2 cents,

Anna hazare is having very big fallacy that poor man is uanble to understand english and he is known to be taken advantage of .

Its arvind kejariwal and gang who is running NGO and pulling strings along side and he is on payrole of NGO of foreign origin.

That aside anna is known from his past dealings that he is always used to shoot someone indirectly.


Apr 11, 2007
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

kippu said:
i really cant take this drama for a week, already my clients meeting is filled with discussions of how corrupt india is ....leaving out the fact that they just paid bribes themselves for getting something done


Still does not mean we cannot get a more accountable govt. little more adjustment required.

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

kippu said:
i hope you guys realize that this "revolution" / protest is largely in the urban areas , rest of the country is just going on their work
How big is this movement ? how popular is it. how many ppl want it.

I don't have a handle on these questions at all and the answer varies depending on who you speak to. Anyone know ?

Its certainly electronic media fuelled. Not only the city has access to cable tv.

chiron said:
Actually that is what seems very suspicious to me. Getting arrested was probably the best thing to have happened for Hazare and I'm sure the political gurus in Congress could have foreseen that things would play out in this way. So who is on who's side now?
Both are on their own side as always. This can be seen as a victory for both.

The govt gets to show it is functioning, its forestalled a potential fast to death and hazare has pulled off a nationwide media blitz in his favour. win-win.

So the movment has gotten a shot in the arm when some suspected it was weakening.

Fight is still on as far as i can see.


Mar 17, 2005
Class M Planet
Yes, man has become the center of attention for now, but keep in mind that its our governments action to target the man that caused this outrage to begin with.

As far as preemptive action by police goes, there is little to justify this when you take action when it does not involve anti national, violent, anti-social cause.

They allow separatists to carry on with their propaganda talks and events where so called elite people like Roy can voice their support for their cause but they see show of dissent which demands a stronger bill for fight against corruption by a team that was suppose to be part of drafting committee for that bill as arrestable offense is laughable at best.

And do keep in mind that all 5 members of civil representation are against the current form of bill. Keep in mind this is how this team came into existence. It was accepted by the government and then backtracked by same govt.

Hazare is the one on the news because he has become the face of the moment. There is always someone who becomes the face of a organized movement. Be it political, social or anti social movement.

Mesa off to resume morning walk. Adios.

Sent from my Motorola Atrix using Tapatalk Pro.


Jan 23, 2006
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

For people who been saying that he is seeking attention... Exactly what ll a 74 yr old man get by hogging attention..?

Take a look at his track record and then speak about him being a limelight seeker.


Dec 19, 2008
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

Wow, I wonder how many people have actually any idea on the government lokpal bill and what it says..... It's sad to see educated folks here actually supporting a farce government and a bill which seeks to kill any those against corruption. How many of you have seen the work of justice Santosh hedge going to waste in Karnataka??


May 28, 2005
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

Lord Nemesis said:
Care to explain how the protest is going to help reduce corruption? The way I see it, his demands would centralize power that would only relocate and increase corruption. Secondly what about the corruption nurturing around him. You do realize that protests and protesters of this sort are prime centers for nurturing corruption? Anna's intentions may be genuine, but what about the people around him who take advantage of the situation? How come lakhs or even crores of rupees are spent for a protest whose prime essence is supposed to be fasting? Where does the money come from and where does it go? Easy to sit in arm chair and support every action of so called anti-corruption activists (who happen to have no respect for the law) without ever giving a thought to whether what they are doing is right. Its not easy to exercise thought and judge for yourself.

The main reason India ever came under British rule is because of our lack of individuality, lack of self respect, lack of respect for others and most of all slavish mentalities ready to follow anyone without thinking. Our people tend to follow leaders than ideologies. There is Anna fighting corruption, yeah lets support every damn thing he does because after all he is fighting corruption. There's Baba Ramdev. He get's crore's of rupee's (which he himself admits) which is obviously black money and god knows where it comes from and where it goes. He can barely last a day of fasting despite all his Yog shakti, He doesn't have any respect for the law, he doesn't even have the gut's to stand his ground and face arrest and would rather dress like a women and escape, but he protested a day against corruption, So, yeah lets support his as well. That is all people want to do.

The key to fighting corruption is resisting and fighting it at an individual level, not blindly supporting every thing that some other activist does without even understanding his ideology.

Should this be extrapolated to "Fighting for independence should had been at an individual level"? Any reasoning behind why fighting as a team is not the right way?

Law was manipulated by the government so as to arrest him.

Please mention the source where you got the information that Baba Ramdev has black money. Very easy to say sit in the arm chair and label someone as having black money.

What makes you think that people are blindly following him?


Dec 28, 2006
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

i hope someone takes a fast for the parliament to function properly without shouting :D


Apr 1, 2005
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

Lord Nemesis said:
The main reason India ever came under British rule is because of our lack of individuality, lack of self respect, lack of respect for others and most of all slavish mentalities ready to follow anyone without thinking.

Wow dude, slow down, why do you hate Indians.

A small nation like britain ruled almost the whole world not just India. According to your logic then the whole world did not have individuality, self respect etc not just Indians.

Lord Nemesis said:
The key to fighting corruption is resisting and fighting it at an individual level, not blindly supporting every thing that some other activist does without even understanding his ideology.

How is fighting corruption at individual level going to stop scams like gazillion rupee telecom scam etc.

kippu said:
i hope someone takes a fast for the parliament to function properly without shouting :D

Why dont you volunteer :)


Dec 28, 2006
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

lol now anna team to do a faux pas and allow ramdev in this scene


Nov 30, 2005
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

On a lighter note:)...
u don't like this as its affecting your clients perception. And is this the only reason or u have some others trivial ones as well:)
kippu said:
i really cant take this drama for a week, already my clients meeting is filled with discussions of how corrupt india is ....leaving out the fact that they just paid bribes themselves for getting something done


Dec 28, 2006
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

it seems hes joining in the protest as well, not a good idea in my opinion


Dec 28, 2006
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

faux pas = mistake , my bad if thats not the literal meaning


Jun 3, 2009
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

An individuals stand on the current campaign can only be one of the two: You are either against corruption or in favour of corruption.

That is it, there are no "buts". Quit taking people in circles.


Jun 3, 2009
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

Mephistopheles said:
^Its naive to assume that someone could publicly say that he or she supports corruption.
Any excuse that undermines the current campaign against corruption is technically favouring corruption.


Dec 28, 2006
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

i bribed a traffic cop yesterday , watch pirated tv shows , movies , earlier was even operating systems , show fraudlent bills to lower my taxes ....

i am totally against corruption


Nov 23, 2010
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

mav2000 said:
Wow, I wonder how many people have actually any idea on the government lokpal bill and what it says..... It's sad to see educated folks here actually supporting a farce government and a bill which seeks to kill any those against corruption. How many of you have seen the work of justice Santosh hedge going to waste in Karnataka??
Yeah, yeddi gotten down but still he is gonna control the gov. by Sadananda gowda.

I just saw that video posted earlier, quite a bit shocker. Though Anna may be a badman seeking publicity but thing is I don't even have read & understood lok pal bill. I honestly admit. I am neither against nor for, but I will be glad if these things reduce corruption :)