Bad Company 2 TechEnclave Clan

Having Fun with ze Carl Gustav! I can't believe how much the CG can annoy people. :p More the reasons for me use it. Now I know why roboghost loved the CG.
All is related with ze server. I was CGing in RCDC right now. Got no kills with the CG. It hit but never killed. But when i was playing in other server it killed in 1 shot inaccurate and lethal. Now thats WTF!
dude CG is really for noobs, don't use it if you don't want to be appreciated as a player by others (+ overusing it may also get u banned in certain servers), RPG is okay though...

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jojothedragon said:
Got no kills with the CG. It hit but never killed.
maybe you unequipped the explosion perk?
The matches are about to start. It would be best if u guys arrange a practice session on the match server. Believe me it is completely different playing environment there. Strongly recommend to familiarize with rules and command set in server.

If u want i could setup a live training session for TE clan. Lemme know if u want one.

I would be needing the time and date. FYI i'm free on tuesdays, other days between morning 10 to 4. So find a time in this frame.

Warmest Regards,

RoBoGhOsT said:
i am feeling like joining some other clan :( no1 from TE clan plays and i am always playing alone :|
well problem is there are hardly any members :p and i tried many time to add you but ingame name is too difficult after trying for 1/2hrs i gave up .But if you can add me as my one is simple then i will know which server you are playing
RoBoGhOsT said:
i am feeling like joining some other clan :( no1 from TE clan plays and i am always playing alone :|
easy there Roboghost. I'm sure u'll find teamplay in the League (which is about to start) which will also allow your clan to grow in many dimensions. Trust in your team and its members. It'll be fine. Just give it some more time..!!
btw i would advice you guys to get atleast 1 extra member in your roster.

4 is too less - what if someone cant make it ?

and ofcourse looking forward to playing you guys :)
Well mostly when I play, I see RCDC guys playing but no one from TE apart from me :p So guys add each other ingame

Also may be OT but seems like I am liking MOH MP much better than BF2 :ashamed:
Just purchased Beta Company 2 on steam after waiting for months for the local stocks to replenish.. Will read the whole thread tonight when it's finished downloading. :)