Boom Boom Diwali : Show your crackers thread :D

I know many of you had bought crackers :D :D

Post pics of them, let see who has got more Boom!! Boom!! this year :D

*All people who don't support crackers, please start new thread, there we can discuss cons of fireworks :D :D

Posting the pics of crackers which my mom bought for me this year, a huge stock :D




Well, he has a driving license and has many years of driving experience, so I guess he is 20+ at the very least.
Place dont Use to the word BOOM BOOM
Its a code word in Thailand lol :p

lolz :p :p

thanks for the pics however I am anti crackers. Already pollution level is up in India. Thinking Diwali comes once in a year why not boom now is a very cheap and disgusting though I have from others. Light candles, diyas, lights etc and make India pollution free

Its the only festival i celebrate throughout the year, so no restrictions :D :D