Excuse me, I’m foreigner, Thai. I am looking forward so long time to submit for BSNL 3G services but as I'm foreigner so I don’t know how to do or what shall I do? I really need to use this service for my Skype on my handset, NOKIA X6 16GB. And I have some questions below; (if you don’t mind could you please reply me?)
- What is the requirable document for submitting this service?
- What is the step do I have to follow, what are 1, 2, 3, … steps for submitting BSNL 3G service?
- As I am going to use with my NOKIA X6 16GB, how much speed would I get on my mobile and how much speed if I connect it to my laptop?
- I went one time last month to BSNL Exchange in Modle Colony, Pune and the officer said to me I have to wait for 2 months (as some reason, I could not
understand at all) so is this true for waiting?
- I am staying in Fergusson College Hostel, F.C. Road but I don’t know where the 3G BSNL tower is, am I far away from it? If so, what’s speed would I get?
- Is this speed enough to be used to call through Skype?
I am staying in Fergusson College Hostel, F.C. Road, Pune
I am so sorry for disturbing all you guys and I will be very thanks million to you if you kindly reply me such a time
P.S. I’m so sorry for my English skill, it’s too weak.
Thanks very much