Huh? what trick? :Srajan1311 said:you guys really dont know the trick to get UL BSNL 3G? Its really old...
i am in kolkata as wellred dragon said:What a thread!!I was really tempted and bought a bsnl 3g sim today,recharged it with 120,now I have a validity of 6 months.What am I supposed to do now?Recharge with 1499 to get one month UL or 4200 for 6 months(is it still available?)Please help me guys.I am from kolkata BTW and live very close to a telephone exchange and getting 100%signal anywhere in my place.
Yup you are right, the trick is really old and may still work at some places sometimes, but mostly it doesn't works anymore.rajan1311 said:you guys really dont know the trick to get UL BSNL 3G? Its really old...
For any complaints/grievances regarding online recharge payments contact
* Manager(PORTAL): 040-23296448 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 040-23296448 end_of_the_skype_highlighting(From 10am to 5pm)
* Sr.System Analyst(PORTAL):
* System Analyst(PORTAL): 040-23236213 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 040-23236213 end_of_the_skype_highlighting(From 6pm to 9pm)
varkey said:Maybe your recharge wasn't successful even though the portal says so. The money will be refunded after few days if thats the case. The same thing happened to one of the other members here and he had posted about it few pages back.![]()
That's some useful info. Thanks SupraSupra said:@ Argus-- Happened to me as and call at the contacts below:
I had got my refund in 3 days that time.
I am facing low speeds (30 to 80 KBps) for the past 3 days now with occasional burst to 300 - 400 kBps...vamsi_krishna said:Any one facing slow speeds?
From two days.. all i'm getting is ~80KBps.