Dead Space 2 - Discussion Thread

Re: DeadSpace 2 Discussion Thread

It's only a 3 more days wait for the PC version. So relax till then.

"The Dead Space 2 Limited Edition includes Dead Space Extraction in full HD for the first time ever. This bonus game offers the entire single-player game complete with all-new trophy support, as well as co-op gameplay, using the new PlayStation Move motion controller, in addition to the standard DualShock 3 and SixAxis controllers. Players will be armed with an arsenal of weaponry and an easy-to-use control system customized to take full advantage of the capabilities of PlayStation Move." - IGN

Dam it! Now I'm crushed between the PS3 and the PC version.
Re: DeadSpace 2 Discussion Thread

dinjo said:
It just landed , freak its 18GB

Unplayable atm
18 GB is freaking f*ck ! Larger than GTA 4 OMG! I guess it because of the super HD textures and all

BTW for someone who has left gaming, you have the most insight Dinjo :p
Re: DeadSpace 2 Discussion Thread

If anyone out here is getting the PS3 limited edition disc, then please comment on the quality of Dead Space: Extraction HD remake.
Re: DeadSpace 2 Discussion Thread

ubergeek said:
is it worth pre ordering the game? from nextworld

Yeah, why not? I mean if they aren't charging anything extra on it and if you have no other game to play, then pre-order it. It's only 2 days away from the release date anyway, so would hardly matter.
Re: DeadSpace 2 Discussion Thread

WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF! Game's out! 3 days ahead of schedule. :O

PS: Gotta wait for <you know what>. :p
Re: DeadSpace 2 Discussion Thread

waiting for PC version, I hated Dead SPace 1, pathetic PC controls..

Lets hope the 18GB D/L is worth it
Re: DeadSpace 2 Discussion Thread

The first one was so good . I hope the second one is even more thrilling bcos I wouldn't paying it for playing it.
Re: DeadSpace 2 Discussion Thread

Well , played the game for like an hour and Graphics are better than the first one . Playing it on 360 though . Gameplay is the same and much polished that the first one .
Re: DeadSpace 2 Discussion Thread

Dead Space 2 'Severed' DLC announced for consoles

Dead Space 2: Severed, as it's called, extends the sequel's single-player story with the addition of two standalone chapters featuring Dead Space: Extraction (Wii, PSN) leads Gabe Weller and Lexine Murdock. In the DLC, the story of Weller and Lexine runs parallel to Isaac's vanilla adventure in Dead Space 2, but this time players will take on the role of Gabe Weller, who's working on the Sprawl as a security guard and has to fight the Necromorph to get both him and Lexine to safety.


No word on the PC release yet. NICE!
Re: DeadSpace 2 Discussion Thread

Steam users got screwed last night where they couldn't activate the game
Re: DeadSpace 2 Discussion Thread


Save Station stops working! read: *GLITCH*

Steampowered Forums

Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to regret waiting for the PC version, AGAIN? Hope they fix this issue.
Re: DeadSpace 2 Discussion Thread

And it appears EA's DRM is actually giving a hard time for the other guys. :lol:
Re: DeadSpace 2 Discussion Thread

strategy said:
I might get the Special edition , not sure though , if i do i will Post how good is the Remake ! :D
Are you getting the PS3 version?

I have asked Andy to get me a copy of the PS3 Limited Edition, since he's coming down to Bombay for a few days. I really hope Extraction works fine with the DS3 controller.
Re: DeadSpace 2 Discussion Thread

Ethan_Hunt said:

Save Station stops working! read: *GLITCH*

Steampowered Forums

Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to regret waiting for the PC version, AGAIN? Hope they fix this issue.

:cursing: :mad:

I knew it and I still pre-ordered the PC version coz PS3 graphics for Multiplat are shit. But now this, I should have gone with the PS3 version. :mad: