eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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Total Is around 6.5% including paisa pay, ebay fee and listing fee:)

Here are some details for a listing of 10150
Rs 456/- (paisa pay) + Rs 110 (Selling Fee + Listing Fee) Total Rs 566/-
Also, Guys it would be good if u only post item number and not the complete url...
it would again avoid exposing this thread to ebay team:)

this is the best buy with 500 off i think so!!!
Valid codes on 15th Feb 09 at 0730 hrs

Discount: 15 % off max 500 valid till 20 March 09

Discount: 15 % off max 500 valid till 20 March 09

Discount: 5% off Max discount Rs. 750, on or before 17th February

Code: HCVVMY702H
Discount: 5% off max 1000 valid till 17-Feb

Discount: 15 % off max 500 valid till 20 March 09
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Reactions: 1 person

it says the item has ended with buy now
anyway else to buy it?
Cheapest 1Tb seagate with 5yrs: Rs. 6290


4Gb corsair (mediahome is back it seems)


Dual layer verbs: 220362199109
^ well, the seller registered on 27-Jan-2009 and no feedback rating...I'd stay way...wouldn't mind giving Rs 100 for purchasing from reputed dealers
Anyone interested in Sennheiser LX 90 . These are on auction .Current bid is 1100 with almost 6 hours to go

I recently got one for myself otherwise i would be intrested

zanderzone said:
^ well, the seller registered on 27-Jan-2009 and no feedback rating...I'd stay way...wouldn't mind giving Rs 100 for purchasing from reputed dealers

mediaspacecom is actually 200mph here... He use to look after the back end operations for mediahome.in but after the eBay fiasco they split up & now he independently runs it under this ID... :P

Most people here can vouch for Anuj.... So I don't think anybody should have any apprehensions.... If they still have anything to sought out then they can confirm it by PM'ing him.... :)
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