eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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mediahome.in said:
mediahome.in shipping and purchase - 200mph - mediaspacecom .

ok thats even more confusin. :S

you mean, mediaspace aka 200mph handles the payment and you ship the items?
^ People can lie to such extent , sumit123 what makes you think that . If that is true , i will do anything you like stop misleading and mis guiding people , we have already face a HUGE loss because of shameless people who have misused it the coupon to the extent, and have not even sent the stuff back on repeated request forget paying up for the free stuff and now you come on with this. The lamest of all things . what makes you think we got paid for any of the items. Its pure LAME and SICK.
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hey sorry mediahome.i dont have any hardfeeling about u .actually i chatted with ebay .they told me they have send money to all seller .sorry to hurt uuuuuuuuuuu....
No, ebay is not giving back the COUPON money but they are honoring only the cash amount in all the screwed up transactions.

Since those 250 coupon deals were mostly cashless, he wont be getting anything.
raptor3624 said:
Can anyone find a better deal than this
eBay India: Panasonic Lumix LZ8 + 2GB SD + Pouch + 3 YEAR WARRANTY (item 130286827432 end time 16-Feb-2009 19:35:03 IST)

The info near the buy link says it's Rs.5750 + 75 bucks for shipping.But the details with the pictures reveal it's free shipping.what's the deal?
I am looking for an EMI option, so this is the closest.But no battery charger :(
Wish the 1k bucks off on 5K or above voucher was available :(

I allready placed order for same camera by ICICI credit card EMI option, EMI after discount was 887.50/- per month.I was happy until i received verification call from ICICI for payment and they refused to clear payment in EMI option because of previous pending payment in account,Now i have to pay full amount .
Well ,

I Will Be Selling Only Electronic Instruments On Ebay ,I Sold SOOOOOOOOO Much That Time That I Got a Bad Stomach hee hee .But i Think Ebay system is Flawed .I Mean i Am Thinking They Have a wierd Way of Billing
The Sorcerer said:
Let me get this straight- you found out that the ebay system has a flaw because you got a stomach ache :rofl:

Sahi Hai Sahi Hai Lol :P

Edit :the stomache is on the left side and my right pains ,But the damn thing is still called the stomache he hee .
mediahome.in said:
^ People can lie to such extent , sumit123 what makes you think that . If that is true , i will do anything you like stop misleading and mis guiding people , we have already face a HUGE loss because of shameless people who have misused it the coupon to the extent, and have not even sent the stuff back on repeated request forget paying up for the free stuff and now you come on with this. The lamest of all things . what makes you think we got paid for any of the items. Its pure LAME and SICK.
Whats done is done..chill..a few great deals wil get you your money back..:hap2:
I stil wish you would have taken some legal action against ebay..consumer courts are not as bad as the usual courts..
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