English TV series discussion

I never really got into scifi on television but I started watching Firefly last week because I'd heard so much about it on the internet and was not disappointed at all. It's a fantastic mix of a scifi and western that actually works. One of the best series I've ever watched.

Hope you're watching Firefly in the proper order. If you watch them out of order(the aired-order is screwed) there is no way you'll appreciate the show or heck, even be able to follow the main story.

I loved Firefly so much that I'm contemplating if I should begin this. Heard only praises about this show. So guys, is it really good? I don't want to watch mediocre stuff.

I don't know. Personally, I found BSG to be very mediocre and forgettable based on the fist few episodes I watched. It felt like a usual TV drama using sci-fi as a novel backdrop.

But I do have a lot of friends who insist I give it another shot. I may.

Here are a few Sci-Fi shows I have watched and enjoyed (and you might want to look into).

Babylon 5 - Up there with Firefly for me. A very different show from Firefly though. Has to do a lot with diplomacy amongst Alien races.
Doctor Who - My favourite but it is a hit or a miss type of show. Good fun and not hard sci-fi. You might want to start from the 2005 series with Christopher Eccleston.
Red Dwarf - Sci-Fi Comedy.

Farscape, Andromeda, Futurama, Star Trek (The Original Series and The Next Generation) and The Prisoner are quite decent as well.
Finished Serenity and oh man, it's like a breath of fresh air. Why the hell did they cancel it after the first season :(

I meant Firefly here. Was too caught up in the emotions. :ashamed:

Kaylee <3 :blush: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0821612/

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I never really got into scifi on television but I started watching Firefly last week because I'd heard so much about it on the internet and was not disappointed at all. It's a fantastic mix of a scifi and western that actually works. One of the best series I've ever watched.

Hope you're watching Firefly in the proper order. If you watch them out of order(the aired-order is screwed) there is no way you'll appreciate the show or heck, even be able to follow the main story.

Yup, I read about it later. But I had grabbed the boxset release I guess so I did view it in the correct order.

The sad part :( -
Although Whedon had designed the show to run for seven years,
One last episode remains before I wind up season 1 of The Shield and the last two episodes were terrific! :scared14:

I really wish I hadn't gobbled so much food for dinner last night else I could have watched the last episode as well. Was feeling sleepy like sh1t! :(
Completed The Shield's 3rd season last night. Was awake till 2:00AM when the final episode wrapped up. This was yet another good season, however, I failed to understand Claudette's beef with Acaveda towards the end..................

Ethan_Hunt Acaveda is not happy with Claudette as ..............

If you guys read up the article I linked, all the cases that were challenged after the cops were found involved in various levels of corruption cost the city of L.A. $125 million in settlements. So, you can understand why Acaveda was unhappy with Claudette. It doesn't help if you have indirectly built up a bill (of say $125 million) on the city and are a political candidate. :)
Binged through Seasons 3 & 4 over the weekend .. :D Awwe-ffookking-some

Walter White character transformation is one of the best I've seen .. The writer chose those rare few moments when Walter White jumps into badass mofo mode .. but god its spectacular .. I don't know how people were able to watch it on weekly intervals when the show was airing before .. The tension-addiction is just too much to contain. I just had to get started with S05 just to at 4am today but stalled to get some sleep .. :p

"I am the DANGER" , " I am the ONE WHO KNOCKS"
I loved Firefly so much that I'm contemplating if I should begin this. Heard only praises about this show. So guys, is it really good? I don't want to watch mediocre stuff.

The first few episodes of BSG are very thrilling but the plot gets messier/repetitive/boring with each season and the final season/conclusion is an absolute letdown imo. I am sure there are people here who loved it all the way through though.
Did anyone see the last 30 Rock episode.. Forgot to update...

Bryan Cranston back in comedy again.. :D.. Awesome as always.. :D
Bah the last episode of Homeland i.e. E3 wasn't all that great like E2. E2 was building up a lot of tension. I am not sure where Dexter is headed either. And I just found out that the storyline of Dex. S7 continues to the last season. Oh well! :|

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Just completed S1 of The Shield and boy, was it a fantastic finale! Everything summed up ultimately so well and hats off to Michael Chiklis for the role he pulled off! He was just spectacular in the finale esp. the last 10 minutes. No wonder that earned him that year's Emmy and Golden Globe for the best actor. Truly well deserved. :hail:

And guys, this is one series you've got to watch! Old but one of the very good series really worth the watch.

Just realised I don't have S2! :ashamed:
Finished Season 1 of "Community" and it's excellent. The comedy is so fresh and clever. Each of the last 15 episodes of S01 is "streets ahead" than any episode of TBBT, HIMYM or Two and Half Men. Now off for watching S02(metacritic score 88. :D)

hitesh12 Thanks for the order!
whatsinaname - Hmm, thanks! I'll check out BSG. If I don't like the miniseries and the pilot of BSG, then I'll jump to other shows you recommended.

"I am the DANGER" , " I am the ONE WHO KNOCKS"
From "I'm the one who knocks" in mid-season to "I'm the real target" by the end of season. Excellent.
Bah the last episode of Homeland i.e. E3 wasn't all that great like E2. E2 was building up a lot of tension.
I disagree. I think that this episode was excellent. And if not, on par with the previous episodes of this season.
Carrie's fcking back! I was so pissed off when they constantly brought up her bipolar condition to justify her bizarre behavior, but I loved it when in the previous episode the writer cleared up by doubts by the "I have never been so sure and so wrong.." speech. And now that she is back, it'll be interseting to see what she'll do.
Just completed S1 of The Shield and boy, was it a fantastic finale! Everything summed up ultimately so well and hats off to Michael Chiklis for the role he pulled off! He was just spectacular in the finale esp. the last 10 minutes. No wonder that earned him that year's Emmy and Golden Globe for the best actor. Truly well deserved. :hail:

And guys, this is one series you've got to watch! Old but one of the very good series really worth the watch.

Just realised I don't have S2! :ashamed:

Hehe so I was right when I said you will like it. Seasons 1-6 are awesomesauce!!.

I watched it with my family and you know, as with other shows, you eventually expect it to slow down and have some boring episodes along with some really good ones - it's normal. We all were expecting it. But surprisingly, with this show, I never remembered even one episode where I felt that they were dragging it. Crisp story, crisp editing, fast paced action and very, very surprising twists.
The Walking Dead's season premiere was f*ckin' epic. The introduction of Michonne is totally bad-ass. Lot of action in the first episode and the whole prison set-up is fantastic. Loved it and can't wait for the next episode now.
The first few episodes of BSG are very thrilling but the plot gets messier/repetitive/boring with each season and the final season/conclusion is an absolute letdown imo. I am sure there are people here who loved it all the way through though.
The BSG finale was pretty exceptional given its implications. Maybe it felt like a letdown to some people because it was over ambitious, I thought it was perfect.

BSG and Firefly were probably the last great sci-fi shows. Fringe is getting pretty boring nowadays.