How many kms has the bike run- though i really will assume much more than it shows for reasons known to all.
Replace Air Filter - No need unless torn or flaking- just clean, oil lightly and refit
Clutch plate - Yes- subject to inspection
Carburetor - Just cleaning
Spark Plug - Yes- Definitely- Get a Genuine NGK BP8HS- thrice the price of Mico- expensive but the Mico W5BC plain sucks imho.
Gear Oil - Yes- Castrol GTX extra- 20W50- buy from reputed Castrol auth dealer- take bill- Castrol has fakes- esp Delhi
Engine Oil - the one that goes in the oil tank behind the side panel- anything works for daily use- most are Jaso FC now- recommended- Elf, HP, Shell, BP- Castrol had become horrendously overpriced iirc- But Castrol JettX was the thing to use at one point of time, miles ahead inperf- later even the product for the masses, SuperTT became very pricey.
Clean and decarbonize silencer - Not necessary- but do inspect for too much oil residue.
Else bike will smoke a lot and one may think oil pump is set high and reduce that and might end up seizing the bike.
Helps avoid wrong decisions.
Clean Piston Head - Strict NO- Please no
Lubricate chain set, adjust slack - Yes, also inspect chain and sprockets for too much wear- replace with oem ones if need be
Brake pad - Yes- get oem stuff
Wheel balancing and alignment - Yes- again subject to inspection- do it even if slightest doubt-- will help in deciding what is wrong if bike doent handle well- wheels will be out of the question as balanced and will point towards problem lying elsewhere.
Oil Seals - engine ones or front fork ones?? any case- No need unless oil from fork/engine is leaking, even if one fork leaks, change oil seals for both
Battery - decide after some days of use- get it checked, topped up and charged if weak- if still weak, get charging ckt chked- else replace with new battery of proper type
Horn - No Need, just adjust for proper sound with engine at a fast idle- it still not good enough, replace
Shock Absorber Oil - Not necessary unless the forks feel soft/hard/leaking- even if one fork leaks, change oil seals for both and same amount of oil in both as per manual
Preferably replace throttle and clutch cables unless really smooth and friction free.
Else get Suprajit Friction free cables and never never oil them.

They go hard if you oil them unlike cheap cables that need oiling and still don't work as smooth.
Get the power box cleaned with some fresh petrol- fill, shake, rinse, empty, dry, refit.
Check the steering for jerkiness/knocks.
Might need to replace ball bearings or cone set.
Check the sprockets for wear and tear.
Regrease wheel bearings- replace if worn out.
Check electricals and replace any faulty bulbs with good ones of proper rating.
Check tyres+tubes- torn, cracked tyres and tube with many repairs is better replaced with new ones.
If tank is not badly rusted inside, get it cleaned and then get it epoxy coated from inside by some good paint shop.
That's all i could remember for now. :ashamed: