Gears of War 3 - Discussion Thread

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Gannu said:
Wow! Complete that quick. Interested in a 2 player co-op? I doubt if you'd be available at all times though. I'd be horribly impatient to complete the game once I receive it! :ashamed:
He definitely needs time to get used to consoles :P He was playing an offline deathmatch kinda thing in Gears 2 and kept getting killed. Can't imagine surviving hordes of Locust b33ches raining on the Gears with him at the helm for now :lol:

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Ethan_Hunt said:
You guys got XBL Gold subscription?

Nope. TBH I haven't even logged into XBL from my console as yet. :ashamed:

Created an account sometime back and left it there. Do we need a gold account for playing co-op?
This is the X360 and MS we're talking about and not PS3. :P

Yes, you need to have a Gold Subscription for online MP. :)


Half way through with Gears 2. Damn, why didn't i play this game earlier :P


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dinjo said:
^ Every console games comes at 2.5k
I Know that.. I meant that I will wait till price drops to Below 2K and buy it..
Still playing GeoW2... Once done, Will Buy GEoW3
i got mine from letsbuy for 18.5k :D. It got delivered yesterday night. Right now I am in the final act of the campaign. Loving every bit of it. The graphics are the best of this console generation IMO. I am a die hard GOW fan btw so my views might look biased to some :P
ITs awesome, Horde 2.0 is sweet but require much more planning, me and my buddies are sucking in the boss waves. Graphics are really nice and certain maps have great colour, planning four player co-op session for campaign tonight, cant wait !!
daviescool said:
ITs awesome, Horde 2.0 is sweet but require much more planning, me and my buddies are sucking in the boss waves. Graphics are really nice and certain maps have great colour, planning four player co-op session for campaign tonight, cant wait !!
Insane mode?
*Console and controller cleaned and dusted - check

*A pair of recharged Eneloop cells - check

*A pair for standby - check

*Audio and video outputs - check

*Loaded disc on the drive - check

Can't wait to get home and begin one of the epic titles of this generation! :ohyeah:
* Gears of War 2 Completed - Check

Gears of War 3 : I guess i'll wait for freaky to come over so that i can show him the starting scene and some fight :P
^ You are right, he is not coming :lol:

Will hit the gym and come back first :P

Saturday 10 am onwards loads of chicks

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