Check these offers out at mdcomputers bundle with the GPUs like 3060 and ti version.
Not bad. What do you think?
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Not really a good offer, imo.
Bundling top end Lian Li cases+fans+watercoolers+750 Watt PSUs makes it way too expensive.
Especially when they pair a 3060ti with it - a "budget" GPU.
Most people building a budget system won't be wiling to spend 1 lakh+ on fans+case+cooling+GPU.
And people with high-end builds, probably won't want a 3060ti.
I just went through the product pages on MDcomputers and did the math,
you're saving a mere 4k by going for the bundle vs buying the same parts individually from their website.
What a rip-off!
Thats cool but don't mind me saying, this card ain't worth it. The NVIDIA counterparts are better than this.
It seemed to fit my requirements just right, actually - a Ryzen 3600 + B550 mobo allows me to use the 6500XT with PCIE4 - making the performance near-equivalent to a 1650 Super. Which is going for 35k online, currently.
Or perhaps, I'm being a bit biased because I had to rush with the purchase since it was a "flash sale".
Nvidia's 3050 cards are much better (although by not as great a margin as I had hoped considering the extra 4GB memory and $50 premium they charge over the 6500XT)
And the 3050 isn't truly "budget", is it? Even at MSRP a 25k card is just slightly out of my price range.
Regardless, they will almost certainly get scalped as soon as they launch, anyway.
At least it sucks at mining, so gamers won't have to compete with miners now.
But it's like looking at the sliver lining of a shit sandwich.
Any idea what would be the reasonable (the word that should not be used with gpu any more) price for buying a 3070ti FE from OLX or TE classified?
I'm firmly of the belief that any FE cards shouldn't be purchased higher than the MSRP. You're just spending money to skip the RPTech queue.
I know it could sound ridiculous, but I try to be conscious of where my money goes and I'm super averse to paying a premium to scalpers and hoarders.