hiviky2212 said:Hmmm check with some ram clean application , mine generally hovers around 50mb , i use fring opera n music app together then it goes 30 -35 with contact homescreen and using large size pics for your contact screen user a lot of ram . Do check that also
grunthos said:Facing huge problems with memory on 5230
Earlier it would give me an error saying "Chone Memory out of memory" when I would open 5-6 apps together which is understandable. But acouple of days back, I started getting the error frequently. I checked my memory status and found C
hone Memory had only 2 MB free.
I uninstalled the new Ovi Maps yesterday, since it accounted for about 8 MB, and free memory jumped to 10MB. But today morning, all that free memory is vanished and it shows 144 KB free
Where is my memory going ?????
Checking details of the drive shows 75 MB out of 82MB in Chone Memory is accounted by 'Others'
I installed Xplore to try and see where was the memory going, and it also showed only 18.5 MB of total file size in C:\P
hone Memory in use. The rest 73 MB again unaccounted for.
I use Nokia emal to sync my gmail all the day, so it could be one of the reasons. I use maps pretty frequently, and the earlier version of Gmaps used to cache maps in the drive - could be that was well
Any ideas how to tackle this ?
What the hell is happening?
hiviky2212 said:wow thats like the complete report from QA in my officehyeah:
hmmm i guess you using the default browser and most of your other files in memory are the cache and other private data , just clean all the private data in your browser , you be surprised to see the results :bleh:
harryneopotter said:i think you must have installed some Java apps (with .jar extension) because even if you install them on memory card, it seems that java apps are kinda extracted in the phone memory before installing. But i am not able to find the location of the temporary folder.
raksrules said:Guys are these two the only best offers available on the 5230 currently on ebay
eBay India: New Nokia 5230 Box Pack - With National Warranty (item 160407270194 end time 01-Mar-2010 22:19:59 IST)
But the above one is a new seller so bit skeptical.
eBay India: SEALED PACK NOKIA 5230 MOBILE WITH ALL ACCESSORIES (item 130369288931 end time 27-Feb-2010 17:55:50 IST)
Above one is power seller
raksrules said:^^ So 8950 - 10% less (hope to get a 10% coupon) = 8055 rupees shipped
Is it a good price to pay for this phone ???
I read on gsmarena that stylus is NOT available in 5230. Is it true ??? :O
raksrules said:Question: Are there 3rd party application and games available for the Nokia 5230 ??? Also is there a torrent application for it ??
grunthos said:I have manually gone through each and every folder in Phone Memory - it adds up to only 18 MB
It itself doesnt know where the rest of 76 MB is !!!
raksrules said:^^ So 8950 - 10% less (hope to get a 10% coupon) = 8055 rupees shipped
Is it a good price to pay for this phone ???
I read on gsmarena that stylus is NOT available in 5230. Is it true ??? :O
abbY said:Guys,
I have a small tip for you all, disable the haptic feedback (the vibrations that occour when you touch the screen to perform any function), it has had a positive influence on my battery life. I would say my battery life has improved by 30 -50 %
bitspilani said:HOW TO REMOVE THE vibration![]()
manu1991 said:^^ Was the box sealed ? I hope the seller didnt pass you a used piece .