PogoPlug Pro - Discussion Thread

I used start with transmission stopped everytime you boot the system and then start transmission daemon at 2AM . Schedule shutdown of whole system at 8AM. There was a script in the dockstar thread for that.
Read from this page onward:

- - - Updated - - -

BTW I'm facing problem with syncing time:
I've NTP, NTPD, NTPDATE installed. NTPD is started at boot time. But the system is not synced to current time after reboot. I've added the Indian servers for ntp in ntp.conf file. Even I've added "ntpdate in.pool.ntp.org" in the form of a script which is started at boot time. But doesn't work. The command entered manually works without problem. Even if I manually start the script from webmin it works.
i found out how the scheduled times work. if you want it to download from say 2am to 8am, then you set the time opposite to that. that is set the time from 8am to 2am. it will not download anything between these times.
One thing i noticed is it shows very less seeds/peers compared to utorrent. in utorrent it shows 15 seeds, here it shows 6. Has anyone used any torrent client other than this on their pogo or seagate?
Need help with shutdown script in cron guys... I want to run all these three from one cronjob file. is it possible?
Is this ok?
crontab -e
# to disable internet at 7:57am every day
59 7 * * * /sbin/ifconfig en0 down > /dev/null 

#to pause all transmission torrents
58 7 * * * /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon stop >>/var/log/cronrun

#to shutdown machine everyday at 8:02am
2 8 * * * /sbin/shutdown -h -t 5 now
To run this daily should this be in /etc/cron.daily under individual files or just one file will do?
Or in which location should the cronjob be in? Can webmin be used to create this cronjob?

Edit: How do I upgrade transmission from 2.03 to 2.61 from the unstable releases? This stable version does not support queuing of files. Also if i add a torrent while a torrent is running in webui, the new torrent comes at top instead of coming after the torrents that are currently downloading. there's no way to make a torrent go up or down in torrent list.
^ Just do a crontab -e it will open a editor then put the entries in there , to verify do crontab -l

I have been trying to upgrade to 2.61 but everytime i do so it starts throwing me RPC Whitelist Error not sure what is wrong since the same settings.json works fine on 2.52 @varkey
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Hi Guys,

I went through most of the threads here on TE. After checking out Raspberry Pi, ASUS router, Seagate NAS, I've zeroed in on Pogoplug as it seems easier than the others. The only intention is download all day all night

I checked on eBay and found many versions of this ranging from 4k to 7k. Can someone please tell me which is the correct one and if there's any other way to get it in my hands.

Thanks !!
I have Pogoplug pro i have installed Archlinux on it. I had installed Transmission & minidlna . Once i was doing the reboot my Pogoplug doesn't coming up. It is not taking any ip address from Router i checked dhcp lease on Router. only the LED light on Pogoplug is blinking Did i bricked the Pogoplug.

What i need to get into the Pogoplug can any one please help
remove the usb disk on which archlinux is installed and see if it boots into pogo plug's native os. it should boot. probably you need to do a file system check on your usb disk.
Just discovered today that pyLoad now downloads at maximum speed. No idea what caused it, earlier (~6months back) it used to download very slowly. maybe its the new kernel (3.5+) or new python libraries.
I successfully installed the Archlinux .Now everything is working fine. Then in the after noon due to power cut.Pogoplug got shut down and when power came i started pogoplug it was not booting into usb pen drive it's led keep blinking. I removed the other usb hard disk and only kept the usb pen drive in which arch linux is installed . When i connected that pen drive to Ubuntu pen drive is accessible fine. I tried looking into /var/log/ but there are lots of logs. Can anyone please advise which log file i need to check the reason of Pogoplug not booting from USB pen drive
Just discovered today that pyLoad now downloads at maximum speed. No idea what caused it, earlier (~6months back) it used to download very slowly. maybe its the new kernel (3.5+) or new python libraries.
Does it resumes now ?
minidlna is not updating the database of media files. Has anybody facing this issue on archlinux

edit:found the solution deleted the database file and files got updated
@dinjo @varkey et all

I change my os to windows 8 and using either putty or winscp iam uable to access my pogo plug, I can lauch transmission through IP and add torrents , i use winscp to copy the downloaded files and putty to shutdown the plugh so please help, In winscp after trying to login, it is saying that "wiating for welcome " message.please help!!
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