I know default pogoplug uses bash commands. the debian build of pogoplug uses bash commands. so if archlinux uses bash, then here's a complete list of bash commands - An A-Z Index of the Bash command line for Linux | SS64.com
For shutting down, you can use this - /sbin/shutdown -h now
for reboot - /sbin/reboot
before installing transmission make sure your archlinux is fully updated to latest packages by running this command:
pacman -Suy
install cli package only like varkey said. Transmission web interface will be available on the 9091 port of whatever ip address the pogoplug has from the router. ex -
3 - cant understand your question. do you mean to ask will downloading torrents using transmission corrupt the installation or the drive? if you mean the system, no. if you mean the drive -no. we've been running it from past year without anything going corrupt. the only drawback i guess is the external hdd is defragmented by around 70%. btw, after installing transmission, you should make it download torrents to hdd instead of the usb stick. you will need to go back a few pages where dinjo, varkey or someone has given the steps to change transmission settings (after stopping transmission).
/etc/init.d/transmission-daemon stop
/etc/init.d/transmission-daemon start
i might be wrong about the /etc/init.d part. dunno where transmission installs by default in archlinux.
For shutting down, you can use this - /sbin/shutdown -h now
for reboot - /sbin/reboot
before installing transmission make sure your archlinux is fully updated to latest packages by running this command:
pacman -Suy
install cli package only like varkey said. Transmission web interface will be available on the 9091 port of whatever ip address the pogoplug has from the router. ex -
3 - cant understand your question. do you mean to ask will downloading torrents using transmission corrupt the installation or the drive? if you mean the system, no. if you mean the drive -no. we've been running it from past year without anything going corrupt. the only drawback i guess is the external hdd is defragmented by around 70%. btw, after installing transmission, you should make it download torrents to hdd instead of the usb stick. you will need to go back a few pages where dinjo, varkey or someone has given the steps to change transmission settings (after stopping transmission).
/etc/init.d/transmission-daemon stop
/etc/init.d/transmission-daemon start
i might be wrong about the /etc/init.d part. dunno where transmission installs by default in archlinux.