deejay said:
@ jediMaster,
Good effort there .!!:cool2:
inspired by this here are some provisional screenies which i just finished.
in the first pic.....
Cpu = 290fsb
memory = 237.XX fsb, 2-2-2-5 , 3.1V
and all the latency settings are at default (Auto)
BTW the time in the second picture was 28: 24S
A difference of 33 Seconds after partial tweaking of the latencies.
will optimise a bit more ......and post it here.
deejay ! I knew you'll be a sucker anytime for some exhilarating intellectual indulgement over the weekend

! And you're timings look very good. Looks like I missed some action here ! Just got back after some S'day bash but still in my senses hopefully for the night.
OK ! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I see that you're still taxing the CPU. May be it didn't hurt, but to go easy on the CPU and determine the max speed of the RAM you could drop the multiplier to 8, for example. 166 divider is OK ! I've seen people even under TCCD post timings with dividers. Just as a reminder, the objective in that XS thread doesn't seem to be the best 32M SuperPi speed (which will be a function also of the CPU speed) but to determine max RAM speed at chosen low latencies.
I think your max RAM speed looks good enuff to be posted at XS as I recall offhand - you may also want to give it a glance. I'll come back in a li'l while and check too.
OK ! general tips for everyone regarding the final snapshot. This is what it has to show:
1. 32M Spi window. As soon as you launch SPi move it to one corner of the screen and expand the SPi window heightwise; otherwise the final few lines will not show up when SPi completes eventually ! The Spi version is the mod 1.4 version from which gives ms resolution. Once the final Dialog comes up, the original frame cannot be resized. So, plan the overall layout beforehand.
2. Launch CPU-Z twice - one to show CPU speed and one for memory ! IMP: Both the CPU-Z shots will have to show the version number and which is 1.29 for the latest.
3. Make sure you have the A64Tweaker window showing all the settings.
4. Sandra Mem B/W shot and/or Everest B/W.
5. There will be times when CPU-Z refuses to launch, or launches showing the wrong parameters ! Simply relaunching it will solve the problem. Same thing with A64Tweaker !
6. Value for Idle Cylce Time will vary depending upon what you're trying to achieve. If you see my results I went for max stability since my objective was to determine the max RAM speed and NOT best SPi time. Well, best Spi time is indeed good if you can achieve it simultaneously with 32M stability. I also have pics at XS with Idle Cycle Time set to 64 clocks to achieve best 1M SPi time. You can also enable Dynamic counter to increase performance over stability. This I believe will auto-adjust the Idle Cycle Time for best performance - check that out. Switch it off if it hurts stabilty for this 32M run. Also, remember that Idle Cycle Time is not the only parameter that you can tweak - there are a multitude of other parameters that may seem as prospective candidates when you're really on the borderline pushing RAM speed to the max and striving for stability at the same time.
Hope this helps ! And keep goin' deejay !
240 MHz @ 2-2-2-5 is simply fantastic for desi sticks ! I don't think I can hope to do that with TCCD ! So grab 'em Man ! And BH-5 is good !
@Masky and Nikhil:
Thanks dudes ! And someone light a fire under someone's $$$
And finally, no offense reallyto anyone, PLEASE ! 80 points in Everest could turn out to be a BIG thing depending upon what you're seeking to do ! How about falling short of beating a barrier by 48/1000ths of a second

! Arrrggggh.....! Happened to me recently and I even switched off the wallpaper trying to grab that extra few millisecs
