Post your overclocks !

@bottle - can you elaborate more on this.

" If u set it by a64 tweaker to 14 then memory overclocks as good as in 200 divider."

@Stalkersoftware - thanks buddy for the memory bw info.
are the micron modules available here
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Quad Master said:
@bottle - can you elaborate more on this.

" If u set it by a64 tweaker to 14 then memory overclocks as good as in 200 divider."
theres a windows based utility called a64tweaker that you can use to adjust your memory timings. the article suggested using that to set the TRFC timing to 14 for better overclocks
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Hey bottle thats a gr8 peice of software.

Have you tried your hands with this software.

Currently i dont have a A64 System to test anything.

Do let me know your experiences with this software if u have tried it.
Stalkersoftware said:
using Micron OEM modules rated for 400mhz.
gives me around 5.6 - 5.7Gb at 480.

I think its a li'l on the lower end - what do you have 3000+ or 3200+ ? Anyways, if you're using the A64Tweaker and if your mobo bios doesn't have that option, you could set the Max Async Latency to >= 8 ns for stability, especially if you're using 2 x 512 MB.
nah i posted a link for stalker earlier msi k8n neo2 tips and tricks thread, it was a quote from there.
Managed this with a single stick of Crucial Micron 1GB that came with an HCL machine. Still not reached the limit yet. Probably will do more if I give it more voltage. My crappy board is limited to 2.8V :(. Whoever says 1GB DIMMS don't overclock must be get his eyes checked :P


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Max I could manage in superpi is 38s @ 250x10. If I push the HTT any higher, I have to drop my multi to 9.5 or else cpu is not stable :(. Crappy nuke!
Rockyme2002 said:
Didnt Darky do 280 or so.....
Also wudnt 2 512 b better for performance???
His timings were 3-6-6 which aren't very exciting. My board is single channel so two dimms won't help. Maybe it might for u.
Oops :ashamed: ......sorry i meant for dual channel :D
Also ...wht is better ....sme increased Mhz at 2.5 or highly increased Mhz at 3??
Will be really helpfull.... :hap2:
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Hey guys,
Check this out,

Well i did this on following setup -

AMD Athlon 64 3200+
Asus A8N SLI Deluxe [Bios Rev. 1007.002]
256 x 2 Hynix D43 based Generic Chips.
80GB Hitachi PATA
XFX Geforce 6600 256MB
450Watt Powersafe PSU.

What say? Good enough ? ;)
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