So whose Bombay is it anyway?

The city already has more taxis than it requires but you'd still find it difficult to go places easily....

At least u ppl have taxis....come have a visit to bangalore & u will know mumbai can accomodate at least 50 lakhs more ppl. Also nt to leave Kolkata. If you have been to all metros of India...its a same scenario at all dnt utter Mumbai alone :p

I dont know how you think the states or citys coffers r filling....Govt hosp provide most of the basic care n medices for Rs 10 per patient for every 15 days...

There are 100 patients admitted in a ward designed to accomodate around 50 patients...

Mumbai is still quite good....go to the villages and u will find 100s of ppl in so called make shift hospitals & not even beds...its India healthcare still I will say Mumbai will be like 500% better. So rural ppl of cuz will still keep coming. At least they will have a doctor to see them in 7-8 hrs whereas they might have to wait in a village for 7-8 days.We have to do max with what we have...we just cant deny or discourage ppl.

All i am saying sooner the ppl realise Mumbai isnt the city of dreams the better it is going to be for everyone...

When whole of rural India is more of a hell of a desert woth no avenues...even a sign of anything is like a dream.BIG Big dream....its better to do something rather than NOTHING.

Raj Thackeray used the wrong means...there is no justification for hitting ppl or burning cars etc.

Yes u put it....but wont it have been better to put other points in such a scenario rather tahn blabber Mumbai is FULL
1) Let's say that your name is Abhijeet and by the grace of god you are slightly fat. Since your early age, friends have been calling you 'Samosa'. Now, do you make that your official name because it 'reflects' your nature? Or, let's say, some guys in UK find it difficult to pronounce your name, they pronounce it as 'Abbey'. Now do you make 'Abbey' your official name?
Can you please tell me how the name 'Bombay' correctly reflects the true nature of this city? This offending name was coined by British and the original name of city is Mumbai. Am I wrong if I expect you to use that name? Am I wrong if I get angry because some of you use the original name deliberately?

I personally believe that the argument to the Bombay/Mumbai thing is more or less personal. I grew up calling the city Bombay and to me, that's what the name will always be. I've no problems if the locals want a change and I support their sentiment. But, trying to force me to call it Mumbai or suddenly branding me as not Maharastrian just because I have a different opinion is not right. It's about personal freedom. I just hope that they don't feel that I don't care about their sentiment but that will naturally be difficult for them to understand :p .
Back in the day when the name change idea was mooted, a poll was conducted by TOI. An 84% majority said that they'd like the name to be as it is(You could argue with the survey sample space but still, they were all living in Bombay.). This was disregarded by the then govt and the name change was officiated.

2) I visit Mumbai often and find that nobody wants to speak/use Marathi there.( Pay attention to the word 'wants'. They can speak or learn to speak Marathi if they want to, it's very easy.) Even the boards on the shops are in Gujarati/Hindi/Tamil. I reckon Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra and Marathi is the official language of Maharashtra. If I expect people in Mumbai to speak/use Marathi, am I wrong? (Now don't give me crap like Mumbai is the economical capitol of India, tomorrow you will call every city of Maharashtra economical capitol of India, does it mean that we should abandon Marathi alltogether?)
You don't dare to do this in Tamilnadu, do you? Or do you behave like this here just because people don't say anything?

Again, I may choose not to learn marathi. That is my personal right. If I don't face a problem communicating, it's nobody's business. I'm living in Bangalore for 5 years now. Nobody forced me to learn kannada and I haven't done so(best part is my parents are kannadigas). My children might learn it. I won't stop them. But if I can avoid learning the language, I'll choose to do so as I might get a job in another state. Also, it's about my personal freedom.

Again, when you are a child when people discriminate or laugh at your english, how do you feel? Not good right. A no.of my marathi speaking good friends have told me about this experience and wish they had been introduced to english earlier. Even those politicians the language pundits sympathize with send their children to foreign schools making the whole language thing a joke. Their own kids cannot speak the native language well enough.

3) Let's say that you are living happily in your beautiful home with your family. A guy who is a immigrant and who is dying from hunger, comes to your house and begs to you. You are very kind and allow him stay with you. Now, he brings 1 more friend, 1 more after that and soon 20 of them. Now, as they outnumber you, they claim that the home is theirs and ask you to vacate the house. Will you agree? If you agree, give me your address and I will come to live in your house with my 20 friends. After all we all are 'Indians'/'brothers', right?

It's not as simple as that. Most people coming from outside have the necessary skills to get the job done. The person living happily in his house is most likely working for a so called 'outsider' who it paying him a handsome salary :p . This is happening with every city. Not just Bombay.

4) Let's say that you are living peacefully in a small community. Now someone comes to your area, builds illegal shanties, doesn't pay any taxes(and uses all the resources), starts harassing you. Naturally, the capacity of the community to sustain inhabitants is crossed. The strain is so much that your lives are made miserable. Will you still be happy?

I'm not completely against this point. But there is a possibility that the people coming and building illegal shanties could also be people from neighbouring cities in the state seeking employment. However, when you talk of Bombay, you do have a point.

5) Am I wrong if I am a middle-class person and my only wish is to buy a nice home to live? The prices of properties in Mumbai/Pune are rising and who is to blame for this? The (already rich) people who come to these cities with heavy pockets and buy houses at ridiculous prices.

You have a point here. Well to do people coming from outside upset the supply and demand balance especially w.r.t housing esp. for the poorer classes. However, they also provide opportunities to new locally run businesses. Unfortunately, it's supply and demand. We've just too much population and too many people flocking to the cities. Development of smaller cities is a short term solution to this problem. A concious effort to reduce our population is a long term one.

6) Am I wrong if I complain because the students from UP/Delhi/Bihar living here are a menace? These rogues party late, don't respect the law, eve tease the local girls. Recently in Kothrud, they even set fire to a few two wheelers in the society they were living because the residents contacted Police. I recently read that 50% of all the crimes in Pune were by outsiders. What is your view on this?
Not all outsiders are criminals. We can't brand respectable middle class people or even poor people earning a daily wage as criminals. Locals also participate in crime. What about the 50% locals involved in the crime? What should we do with them?

It's OK when Sheela Dixit says that immigrant workers are causing a lot of problems in Delhi, it's OK when Karnataka CM says that he is thinking about giving a reservation quota in IT sector for Kannadigas in Karnataka, it's OK when WB guys harass the national cricket team just because Ganguly was omitted, it's OK when UP guys pelt stones at a bus from Goa because they looked like foreign tourists, it's OK when Hindi speaking people are shot dead in Assam but when Maharastrians say that immigrants are really taking a toll now and their influx should be stopped, you have a problem!
Nobody says it's ok. They are all hypocrites.

Well, I really don't have anything against people from other states. Infact Maharashtra will be the last state to do anything that will be a threat to the unity of our country. I respect Marathi culture, its heritage and its people. And I think you should respect your respective states as well, nothing wrong with that. A lot of Maharashtrians are there in MP(Indore), AP(Hyderabad), have you heard anything against them? A lot of people from other states are in Maharashtra as well.(Gujaratis, Marwaris, South indians.) Did we say anything so far? We didn't, right? But the situation is going out of control now and something must be done. The incidents like this will only stop when the huge influx of people coming to Maharashtra stops. I say again, I don't have any problem with the people already here as long as they respect Maharashtra, its culture, its language.

You know, it's our tendency to again and again compromise our for eg: it's ok for Modi to oppress a few minorities as long as he is all for development. When you are at the receiving end however, you become indignant and defensive.
Beating an innocent person is not the right solution. Legally preventing entry of people in the city what should be done.
You should be honest with yourself. When you compromise your principles, you are compromised. We cannot be completely honest but we should try.

And don't ridicule the 'Jai Maharastra' quote, always remember that it is always said as 'Jai Hind, Jai Maharastra'! Sadly you guys ignored the 'Jai Hind' part which always comes first.
'Jai Hind, Jai Maharastra', Abhijeet.

No comment. But, I will say this. We Indians are proud lot but we don't have a lot to be proud of. We compromise our moral fabric time and again to suit our needs.

P.S. - cool_dude - Pls don't consider my point by point answers personally :p . I respect your views. I just have nothing to do right now and I felt the need to feel important by ranting :rofl: .
Mumbai is bursting at the seams! Wont it be better if ppl demanded better facilities in their villages? Just coming to mumbai or any other city is a temporary solution... By coming to mumbai there ppl play right into the hands of the politicians... Instead of improving infrastructure or providing jobs in the villages these politicians encourage ppl to come and live in shanti's which lack even basic ammenities...
cool_dude said:
Friends, I visit TE everyday and read the threads(not all, very few of my interest.) I seldom participate though, mainly because I don't think I am very strong technically and also because I am quite busy.

I must say that I was shocked by what Raj Thakray did and do not condole what he did or said but I was also shocked to see some of the comments made in this forum.

Now, I am not going to say anything, but I am just going to ask you a few questions. Can you please answer them?
1) Let's say that your name is Abhijeet and by the grace of god you are slightly fat. Since your early age, friends have been calling you 'Samosa'. Now, do you make that your official name because it 'reflects' your nature? Or, let's say, some guys in UK find it difficult to pronounce your name, they pronounce it as 'Abbey'. Now do you make 'Abbey' your official name?
Can you please tell me how the name 'Bombay' correctly reflects the true nature of this city? This offending name was coined by British and the original name of city is Mumbai. Am I wrong if I expect you to use that name? Am I wrong if I get angry because some of you use the original name deliberately?

2) I visit Mumbai often and find that nobody wants to speak/use Marathi there.( Pay attention to the word 'wants'. They can speak or learn to speak Marathi if they want to, it's very easy.) Even the boards on the shops are in Gujarati/Hindi/Tamil. I reckon Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra and Marathi is the official language of Maharashtra. If I expect people in Mumbai to speak/use Marathi, am I wrong? (Now don't give me crap like Mumbai is the economical capitol of India, tomorrow you will call every city of Maharashtra economical capitol of India, does it mean that we should abandon Marathi alltogether?)
You don't dare to do this in Tamilnadu, do you? Or do you behave like this here just because people don't say anything?

3) Let's say that you are living happily in your beautiful home with your family. A guy who is a immigrant and who is dying from hunger, comes to your house and begs to you. You are very kind and allow him stay with you. Now, he brings 1 more friend, 1 more after that and soon 20 of them. Now, as they outnumber you, they claim that the home is theirs and ask you to vacate the house. Will you agree? If you agree, give me your address and I will come to live in your house with my 20 friends. After all we all are 'Indians'/'brothers', right?
4) Let's say that you are living peacefully in a small community. Now someone comes to your area, builds illegal shanties, doesn't pay any taxes(and uses all the resources), starts harassing you. Naturally, the capacity of the community to sustain inhabitants is crossed. The strain is so much that your lives are made miserable. Will you still be happy?
5) Am I wrong if I am a middle-class person and my only wish is to buy a nice home to live? The prices of properties in Mumbai/Pune are rising and who is to blame for this? The (already rich) people who come to these cities with heavy pockets and buy houses at ridiculous prices.
6) Am I wrong if I complain because the students from UP/Delhi/Bihar living here are a menace? These rogues party late, don't respect the law, eve tease the local girls. Recently in Kothrud, they even set fire to a few two wheelers in the society they were living because the residents contacted Police. I recently read that 50% of all the crimes in Pune were by outsiders. What is your view on this?
It's OK when Sheela Dixit says that immigrant workers are causing a lot of problems in Delhi, it's OK when Karnataka CM says that he is thinking about giving a reservation quota in IT sector for Kannadigas in Karnataka, it's OK when WB guys harass the national cricket team just because Ganguly was omitted, it's OK when UP guys pelt stones at a bus from Goa because they looked like foreign tourists, it's OK when Hindi speaking people are shot dead in Assam but when Maharastrians say that immigrants are really taking a toll now and their influx should be stopped, you have a problem!

Well, I really don't have anything against people from other states. Infact Maharashtra will be the last state to do anything that will be a threat to the unity of our country. I respect Marathi culture, its heritage and its people. And I think you should respect your respective states as well, nothing wrong with that. A lot of Maharashtrians are there in MP(Indore), AP(Hyderabad), have you heard anything against them? A lot of people from other states are in Maharashtra as well.(Gujaratis, Marwaris, South indians.) Did we say anything so far? We didn't, right? But the situation is going out of control now and something must be done. The incidents like this will only stop when the huge influx of people coming to Maharashtra stops. I say again, I don't have any problem with the people already here as long as they respect Maharashtra, its culture, its language.

And don't ridicule the 'Jai Maharastra' quote, always remember that it is always said as 'Jai Hind, Jai Maharastra'! Sadly you guys ignored the 'Jai Hind' part which always comes first.

'Jai Hind, Jai Maharastra', Abhijeet.

very well said dude .. :hap2:

also .. what is this crap poll going on some news channel abt " mumbai kiski hain " .. mumbai sabki hain .. these channels are total waste .. instead of solving they are igniting this issue .. also abt the influx of people in mumbai .. they are working on metro i guess.. by the time it will be ready, even metro will be insufficient for such a large population .. these politicians should work on better roads , transport etc ..instead they indulge in such hopeless activities ..what a shame ..guys wake up .. pls do something good for general people ..." marne ke baad log aapko duaa denge "
Well why this discussion changed from the main point :p

Anyway, I have gone through last few pages and here are some points.

Regionalism is everywhere. Everyone has a close bond to where they are from. You will see this in states, UK and everywhere else.

A person from Texas will talk about their land in the same way we talk about our states. There is social discrimination in many areas of US. If you havent faced/seen the problem there then you are either not exposed to it or you are lucky.

A UK which is made up of 3 countries still has this social rift between themself. A Scottish is a proud Scottish, welshman will call himself welshman and not english. This happens there as well.

About language. Its a native language. You dont wanna learn it as a grown up well its upto you.

But state of maharashtra forces every child to learn marathi in school and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. So you have to go to school or your kid want to go to school in Maharashtra he will have to learn marathi.

About unwilling to call Mumbai a mumbai or use this name, its stupidity to be honest as to file any legal / official document you will have to use this name.

If anyone grew up in Mumbai then you obviously knew that this city is called Mumbai in native toungue. You can say that you grew up calling it bombay because Mumbai was very very commonly used name here even before renaming.

As I said, the problem is very real. Its the city thats filling reserves of entire country and is still deprived of some basic infrastructure in some parts of the city.

Leave the native side alone, what about the tax payers here. Thats people from every lingual background. Still we dont get enough money for the city to fix even basic problems. This is a real issue. Its as real as it gets.

The point here is that do we deserve this? And answer is YES WE DO.

Its just that I have problems with the way MNS went about it. Thats completely wrong and cannot be justified by any justification.

About Shiv sena, I still support them and BJP over any other party. They are lesser of the two evils, and from personal experience. Whenever we have elected them in the state or city or even my local electoral zone, they have got more work done than any other party (hell my electoral zone is dominant BJP, shiv sena zone for last 20 years. ).

I dont support their religious funda but they are lesser of the two evils ;)
yogi7272 said:
very well said dude .. :hap2:

also .. what is this crap poll going on some news channel abt " mumbai kiski hain " .. mumbai sabki hain .. these channels are total waste .. instead of solving they are igniting this issue .. also abt the influx of people in mumbai .. they are working on metro i guess.. by the time it will be ready, even metro will be insufficient for such a large population .. these politicians should work on better roads , transport etc ..instead they indulge in such hopeless activities ..what a shame ..guys wake up .. pls do something good for general people ..." marne ke baad log aapko duaa denge "

Maharastrians should ask the MNS when their metro is coming. When can their fathers and mothers travel safely and in reasonable comfort instead of suffering in the local trains on their way to earn their bread. When will all the roads in their neighbourhood be tarred. Have they thought about power and water requirements for the future. Do they have some sort of plan for assuring them good quality of life in the coming years.
Those have always been the issues as far as I know in the time I've spent in this intoxicating city called Mumbai/Bombay :p .
sydras said:
Maharastrians should ask the MNS when their metro is coming. When can their fathers and mothers travel safely and in reasonable comfort instead of suffering in the local trains on their way to earn their bread. When will all the roads in their neighbourhood be tarred. Have they thought about power and water requirements for the future. Do they have some sort of plan for assuring them good quality of life in the coming years.
Those have always been the issues as far as I know in the time I've spent in this intoxicating city called Mumbai/Bombay :p .

What does MNS have to do with these issues. That party if to be honest nobody at this moment. You talk about these issues and at the same time forget that central government refused to give the required amount needed for fast forward movement of the Metro project. The national highway work is still crawling because of lack of funds.
Also if we go with wht raj says...soon we will not have to say a word if uk/us ppl throw indian citizens out....(i mean ppl working there...and which they feel are taking out their jobs).....Also its a common practice for a men to go where the money is.....

If u really have to make mumbai congestion free whtever.....its better now a 2nd mumbai is created so ppl shift their....I think on this same line new bombay was created but totally left out..but i get after new air port more ppl will shift there...

MNS wasnt wrong in their issue but the way they behaved is not justifiable ,also this big cats like amar singh and company(including mayawati) shd be avoided ,all come here for vote bank some seats and than start their side business give us this share and we will support u....
But state of maharashtra forces every child to learn marathi in school and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

What is right abt it!! if this trend continues and say ones child shifts to 3-4 states during pre-primary to Std III-IV...just imagine the situation. Its just linguistic fanatism.....btw one question for all Mumbai ppl

Why cant we ever see strong views/agitation against the evil deeds of the so called Sena!!! Oh leave alone that its true that if u have a sena card there....u r as good as GOD it more about Marathis or improvement overall I cant understand. Cmon if all u guys says like this....may be all of us have to be the frog in their own well. Just will stay in same place & wont raise head anywhere else :p

MNS wasnt wrong in their issue

Oh yes and the issue was abt some kind of festivity of north India.Btw tell me where can such a no name whose 99% of India wouldn't have known till a few days back have so much power/guts. Sena talks in Jay Maharashtra...that's it. Nothing will ever change that. Its more of old "Ram Rajya "

Btw is there some Sena reservation there :rofl:
Funky said:
About language. Its a native language. You dont wanna learn it as a grown up well its upto you.
But state of maharashtra forces every child to learn marathi in school and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. So you have to go to school or your kid want to go to school in Maharashtra he will have to learn marathi.

Thats exactly the reason why all the best schools in bombay are ICSE. Its upto the education department to realize its stupidity and move on. When will they realize the need to keep politics and regionalism away from education. Sigh!
Supra said:
What is right abt it!! if this trend continues and say ones child shifts to 3-4 states during pre-primary to Std III-IV...just imagine the situation. Its just linguistic fanatism.....btw one question for all Mumbai ppl

Why cant we ever see strong views/agitation against the evil deeds of the so called Sena!!! Oh leave alone that its true that if u have a sena card there....u r as good as GOD it more about Marathis or improvement overall I cant understand. Cmon if all u guys says like this....may be all of us have to be the frog in their own well. Just will stay in same place & wont raise head anywhere else :p

It has nothing to do about fanboism. its common practice observed in every state. Unless you are CBSC / ICSC student you cannot escape this. And this is done to preserve local language and culture. and I fully support any state government who does this. be it maharashtra or karnataka or any other state for that matter. This is bigger than you or me or our ego.
If a parent has a shifting job he is careful enough to enroll his child into ICSC school. And mind you marathi and hindi which is our national tongue have same roots. They are both devnagri. So if you know hindi, its not hard to learn marathi and vice versa.
Hell I personally know 6 languages and I was educated in only 2. Where does rest 4 come from? I know gujrathi as i grew up with gujju friends. I learned willingly and automatically while hanging with them and listening to them. I know konkani as i made effort to learn it as my roots are in Goa.

When you go in different culture, you make an effort to fit in there. This is nothing different.
And when people around you see that you know their customs, language it pleases them and you are accepted more easily.
this is what happens when a city assumes a larger than life image for itself.

Its great to live in one of the smaller cities. If this had happened in a city or a village, nobody would have batted an eyelid. Now this happens in bombay, the jewel in the crown, and then suddenly something is wrong with india. Why cant people wake up to the fact that what happens in india doesnt have to revolve around what happens in bombay, or bangalore , or any of these cities which are the media's poster boys ?
sydras said:
Maharastrians should ask the MNS when their metro is coming. When can their fathers and mothers travel safely and in reasonable comfort instead of suffering in the local trains on their way to earn their bread. When will all the roads in their neighbourhood be tarred. Have they thought about power and water requirements for the future. Do they have some sort of plan for assuring them good quality of life in the coming years.
Those have always been the issues as far as I know in the time I've spent in this intoxicating city called Mumbai/Bombay :p .

dude .. what mns got to do with that .. :rofl: i said it ..not every marathi is a supportor of mns / shiv sena .. :hap5: central government has to co-ordinate with state agency for such things given they have real political will for it ;)

sidenote: many people are already shifting to navi mumbai ..airport or no airport ..far better place to live than mumbai .. but now ..even its on the same path to congestion as mumbai ..
Chaos said:
Thats exactly the reason why all the best schools in bombay are ICSE. Its upto the education department to realize its stupidity and move on. When will they realize the need to keep politics and regionalism away from education. Sigh!

who says so??
I have studied in one of the best Marathi school in Mumbai and I dont feel i lost out on anything. International / ISCE schools is new trend. but still CBSC and ICSE schools and students are in great minority. I was easily able to compete against ICSE students in college and outscore 80%of my class even when I didnt knew english language until i was in 5th standard :p
Funky said:
who says so??
I have studied in one of the best Marathi school in Mumbai and I dont feel i lost out on anything. International / ISCE schools is new trend. but still CBSC and ICSE schools and students are in great minority. I was easily able to compete against ICSE students in college and outscore 80%of my class even when I didnt knew english language until i was in 5th standard :p

No offence but from the post itself its quite obvious what you lost out on... basic english grammar. :(
at the risk of being totally OT,
ISCE schools is new trend

who sez? :p

ICSE has been around for ages now, it's just that it was called senior cambridge earlier....

And I'd put my child in an ICSE school anyday ..for multiple reasons including helping him/her stay away from the regionalistic c$#p that I see coming from supposedly well educated folks around here....

I'll bet my right a$$ that the folks crying out in favor of (veiled or otherwise) or trying to justify the current scenario were schooled in Marathi

(Funky, absolutely no offense to you, most of your points on this thread, if not all are very sensible...)

No offense to the Maharastra board schools either, it's just that I would want my progeny to have a more cosmopolitan outlook rather than subscribe to a closed mindset
Chaos said:
No offence but from the post itself its quite obvious what you lost out on... basic english grammar. :(

nope, this is a online forum not my SAT /Toefl exam :p I did pretty well in those ;)

leaving out s does not mean anything online unless its your job application ;)

there is a mistake in the sentence you just posted, english is never written as english if you want to be 100% correct. Its always written as English.

@scz well its a new trend amongst parents these days to insist on English medium school or international school. Its proven that a child benefits more learning in this mother tongue than any other language.
I have studied in one of the best Marathi school in Mumbai and I dont feel i lost out on anything.

Its because u had the resources to pursue all other extra study/courses. Nt everybody can afford that . Its nt abt Maharshtra only, in some states its like English starts from Std III or even V sometime back.Btw it makes only sense if u have proper literatures in the language. Cmon dnt tell me nw u would have pursued ur degree in Marathi as well.....anyway by studying the language for 5-6 yrs u r nt going to preserve local language and culture.

Btw ICSE being a new trend :rofl:..I can only laugh
Chaos said:
No offence but from the post itself its quite obvious what you lost out on... basic english grammar. :(

Missing Punctuations - only in theaters! :eek:hyeah: