Trying to answer some of the posts:
@akitosforever -> Yes .. even I get noisy/blurred and a little dark pictures in tube light.
Regarding books, i usually take the camera near enough, and just press the take picture button and let it focus and take the picture without my intervention. Words looked fine to me (at least on the phone). Did not check in PC. Infact didnt use camera to take much pics at all so far

Perhaps someone who has taken pics can post.
@aka911 -> 1) Voice quality to me seems perfectly fine. Others seem to hear me fine too. Not sure about noisy environments because didnt have to try. Used on roads which were not toooooo loud and didnt find any cause for complaining.
2) Morning alarm is loud enough (that too I keep in the pouch) for me. The vibration could have been stronger and the speakers a little better coz the speaker cracks sometimes at the fullest volume. One notch below the fullest is fine to me.
3) Cannot compare the screens much but to me its fine. It may not be as great as some other phones but it did not cause me any problems as such. As I said earlier in the thread, the google maps doesnt rotate (not talking abt accelerometer here) with 2 fingers. After a lot of attempts it sometimes rotates a little. But anyway .. the autorotate does it for me so no issues. Probably the multitouch is not so great and accurate. But pinch zooming works acceptably. Havent use a lot of touch screen phones before (except Moto Rokr E6 Resistive screen. After that this works like a charm)
@seawat_itpro -> I have not done many CPU intensive tasks but I do find it to get pretty hot when I use GPS (probably the map rendering is CPU intensive). Battery charging @ socket also makes it a little hot but no issues. Once I felt WiFi was making it hot too but I had just disconnected it from charging so perhaps it was hot from there.
Not so sure about camera. Barely used it. Took few pics in daytime. Was Ok.
Also are you really the Galaxy S @ 18980? Or the galaxy SL ?? Since the Galaxy S is discontinued, most shopkeepers have started referring to the SL (i9003) by S (i9000). In fact one of my friends bought a Galaxy SL unknowingly and said in facebook that he got a S. The SL wont have amoled instead it will have Super LCD which once again may be better still. Not so sure about GPU perfomance coz I wont be doing gaming. Have my great PC for that
A scratch guard comes applied with the phone and a leather pouch too. So far no case and new scrath guard. Even I was looking. Heard HTC HD7 and Desire HD cases fit this one fine. Yet to get my hands on those too though on ebay they are avaialable but I wanted to try first. The Micro HDMI cable can be from anywhere. U can get one easily off ebay or perhaps locally under 200. Yet to try though.
Perhaps someone knowing of some manufacturers can get em to make cases, scratch guard and an HDMI cable as a box set