The DEXTER thread!

Me likes Lumen. Me thinks she is hawt. Even her chemistry with Dexter is good.

I can bet that this season would end up with debra knowing about dexter's little secret. Remember her scene from the preview where she thinks that there is some vigilante out in the streets who is taking revenge for those barrel murders. Maybe she wont know the complete truth but she will definitely find out the identity of that vigilante. But then again, if she finds out the truth about the barrel case murders, wouldn't she connect all the dots which will lead her back to the trinity case? Quinn has already told her about who he thinks kyle butler is, so that would mean Dexter having to share his true identity with his sister. It will be a big step for the show and is unlikely to happen but last season's finale has made my hopes high. Only debra knowing about Dexter;s identity can be a match the last seasons explosive finale reveal. What do you guys think?
I think I need to sum up this season once it's done. I think this season would have had a greater impact provided a few additions were made. I'll just wait till the end to see how things pan out.
i saw 2 more spoiler vids for next week, amazing :D

ps: i also think debra is going to know about him / suspect him and let him go, thats how till this episode is building up
Awesome episode!! :D

The best part, the episode I downloaded had credits cut halfway. No way I could have resisted watching the preview, but thankfully it wasn't there to begin with. Now the desperate wait for next episode begins.

I think, writers have carefully diverted Deb's attention to vigilante being a female.... so I think she's not going get her mind on Dexter so soon. She would focus on the victim-turned-vigilante girl. I think it's going to easy to zero down on Lumen, at least as probable victim since all the victim have a very distinct profile (petite, pale skin, blondes). But what I'm more interested in how this Liddy thing turns out. I mean he's a dirty cop and very much an a**hole but he doesn't really fit Dexter's rule. So it's really going to interesting how things will turn there.

As for Jordan, I think he's using Dexter to get rid of all the members and getting Dex & Lumen caught... trying to hit two birds (or three) in one stone. He has been careful enough not to come in front of any of the victim including Lumen so they can't identify him. All evidence to him is circumstantial and Dexter has already cleared him out of DNA test. Smart guy that he is, it would be really an interesting conversation when Dexter gets him on his table. :)
eww... dexter and lumen being all lovey dovey. Good thing jordan showed up.

The preview pretty much spoils the finale so watch out.
Dunno... I'm a bit disappointed with how this season turned out. Jordan Chase is such a useless villian. I feel that this one is almost as bad as the one with Miguel.
Hah... closed it in time. I knew I should avoid the preview. :D

Cause the episode didn't really reach it's high-point enough to know that there should be interesting things in next one. What I don't get it though why Dexter would leave Liddy's body just like that. I mean, either way Liddy's disappearance would re-ignite Quinn's suspicion on Dex but why leave the body out in the open to make it all the more easier?

And I kinda agree and disagree about Jordan Chase being most pathetic villain... Of-course he's not as good as Trinity, but then Trinity was a serial killer way longer than any of the others that Dexter encountered. His experience was supposed to bring something good to the table. I still think that Miguel was the weakest villain so far in Dexter universe. Jordan on the other hand is much smarter, he's a killer without having to kill anyone himself... and now that his options are reduced to doing things himself, he's bound to make a mistake... in otherwise quite smartly played moves. In fact, judging by the end of the episode.. he has already done couple of mistake which are going to cost him nicely in the next episode.

Oh boy, this season might have not been the best... but it's been much better and interesting than Miguel chronicles. To me, apart from slightly weaker third season all seasons so far have been really good. :)
Crap even I happened to see the next episode's preview and thank you Showtime for spoiling it. :mad:

That Emily b**ch deserved to a die an even gruesome death IMO!

Anyhow going by the preview what I saw, this is probably what might happen in the finale:

When Dex stabbed Liddy, he did throw that laptop to the sea but the whereabouts of the cassette is unknown. Quinn happens to recover the video-cam cassette in the next episode which reveals the video of Dex and Lumen - Quinn knows who killed Liddy but he cannot reveal it to the MMPD cos he loves Deb and this might worsen their relationship further. Lumen is tied up somewhere in some building. Lumen stabs Chase on his feet. Dex and Deb both arrive at the location and Dex tries to kill Chase when Deb prevents it by pointing the gun at her brother. She thinks he was probably rescuing his new 'tenant' who was abducted by Chase. Chase is imprisoned and charged on the basis of murdering Emily Birch. The episode and the season concludes with Harrison's birthday at Orlando. Dex bids goodbye to Lumen and she leaves for Minnesota.
chiron said:
Dunno... I'm a bit disappointed with how this season turned out. Jordan Chase is such a useless villian. I feel that this one is almost as bad as the one with Miguel.
I agree :| and the pattern seems same as 2nd serious when Djokes (or whatever) was on his tail and here its the Quinn..

And I am seriously hoping that 1-2 characters will killed off by season end...

Die La Guerta Die and probably Batista as well... both are useless with no contribution..