Hi Rockfella! I have joined gym just yesterday.
The trainer has given me some 6 day workout sheet:S
I read ur previous posts and I guess this is the best workout as per you 3 days/week:
Squat 5 X 5
Bench Press 5 X 5
Inverted Rows 3 X F
Push-ups 3 X f
Reverse Crunches 3 x F
Squat 5 X 5
Overhead press 5 X 5
Deadlift 1 X 5
Pull-ups/chin-ups 3 X F
Prone bridges 30 secs 3 sets.
I am a absolute beginner.So with what weight should I start doing squats and deadlifts?
And for squats, should i use a normal barbell with weights attached or the smith machine.( I dont know what we have in gym is smith machine or not its like rack with a barbell attached to it,we have to unrack it and squat is this the smith machine :ashamed
And I can hardly do pull ups max 1 at a time :ashamed: ( never heard of chin ups will have to look about it)
And for bench press the trainer told me to do with dumbbells , he told me incline bench press.
And are lat pulldowns, tricep extensions and other isolation exercises not nessecary? The workout my trainer has handed to me includes majority isolation exercises der are no squats,deadlifts mentioned.Overhead press is der though
Please suggest.
And yeah i have my job from 715 am to 830 pm,so going to gym from 540-630 am without having sth ,this is fine rite?