The Trumps & Elon tweets thread (Had to make this since it's never ending)

How's Hong Kong now, anybody discussion about HK ?
Same way, let us see what time have to show us.
There is no same way. If HK refuses China can send the military. So they had no choice but to accede.

But ROC is an island. Never been a part of the PRC.

It is 100 miles away from the Chinese coast. There is no way for China to take ROC without extensive casualties. Think 100k only kid PLA dead.

Never going to happen :D

This is what military people experienced in war have told me over twenty years ago. The only people who go on about it are those with no military experience.

Taiwan is already de facto independent and there isn't a thing the PRC can do about it

Since China hasn't said anything about Taiwan. They aren't stupid. Trump hasn't had to say anything.

Also consider the US policy towards Taiwan is that of strategic ambiguity. Which is an interesting Asian way of thinking from a western power. US doesn't expressly say what it will do but the last couple of times there was a straits crisis in the 50s and the late 90s, the US sent a couple of carriers to calm things down. In short its too much of a risk for China to take.
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Since China hasn't said anything about Taiwan. They aren't stupid. Trump hasn't had to say anything.
They already made enough statements, even said war it is, if demanded. What more do anyone need ?
Also consider the US policy towards Taiwan is that of strategic ambiguity.
It's not 1950 or 1990's golden empire period of USA anymore and they know it. So does China.
So, only time will reveal what's in store. I just don't want one more 'rona, that's all, haha...
They already made enough statements, even said war it is, if demanded. What more do anyone need ?
Nothing specific since he entered office. That is the part you keep missing.

And Pelosi demonstrated just how empty their threats were by defying the CCP and visiting Taiwan. Significant since she wasn't just any representative but the speaker of the house at the time. If Biden could stand up to China in this way you can expect Trump to be more blatant. So like I said the CCP isn't stupid to try anything.

The exercises the PLAN carried out post her supposed 'provocation' were held so far off the Taiwanese coast that the people in Taiwan weren't even aware they were taking place. So the only purpose & audience for these stunts was for face saving and their own people in China.

This whole talk of war is if Taiwan formally declares independence. But as I said earlier Taiwan is already defacto independent. With their own independent government, flag, military & currency.

And what has been the result. The DPP which is the pro independence party in Taiwan won the elections a year ago. This is their third win for the pro independence party since 2016. Four year terms. So Taiwanese are clearly in no mood for reunification any time soon. In fact what happened in HK made them even more determined that it never happens to them.
It's not 1950 or 1990's golden empire period of USA anymore and they know it. So does China.
US military spending still dwarfs the next ten states after. There has been zero retrenchment of the US from any theatre since the cold war ended. All bases in place and in fact more added since. So this 'golden empire' period you speak of is still alive & kicking.
China hasn't done anything. That should tell you they are still weak & incapable. They are the ones with the grievance. What are they waiting for.

So, only time will reveal what's in store. I just don't want one more 'rona, that's all, haha...
Nothing changes in this area mid to long term. I find amusing that you think China can still get stronger when the reality is they have peaked already and are now in a permanent decline.
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Nothing specific since he entered office. That is the part you keep missing.
Readiness to do war is specific enough, rather dtrump's statement about Taiwan is not that heard around.
And Pelosi demonstrated just how empty their threats were by defying the CCP and visiting Taiwan.
Lol. that coffin perfume smelling zombie didn't make any difference, compared to China's \multiple show of strength circling the island multiple time with that naval ships, fighter planes, flexing the war machine. That moronic team's visit was a mockery of the situation.
So this 'golden empire' period you speak of is still alive & kicking.
Just to show that it's alive.
Readiness to do war is specific enough, rather dtrump's statement about Taiwan is not that heard around.
China are not ready for war at all. Our people at the border can see it just as USN sailors.
Lol. that coffin perfume smelling zombie didn't make any difference,
She called their bluff outright. They were making all sorts of threats of what would happen if she visited Taiwan.

For a Democrat that was well played at China's expense. Exactly what the region needed to see and understand who the real BOSS is.
compared to China's \multiple show of strength circling the island multiple time with that naval ships, fighter planes, flexing the war machine.
China's show of strength was to pretend they could blockade the island which they failed to demonstrate. A very embarrassing display from a paper tiger with a military of little emperors. Military analysts were taking this show apart and wondered whether that was it. It was around ten days and then it melted away.
That moronic team's visit was a mockery of the situation.
Other senators followed after Pelosi's visit. I guess this counts as Biden giving China the America test too. Had not considered it before.

It's worth mentioning our NSA was present at the first inauguration of tsai ing wen back in 2016.
Just to show that it's alive.
They don't need to show they are alive. The FONOPS do that already. The US military frequently either sails or flies closer than the twelve nautical mile limit over any territory China has seized or claims as an outright challenge to China's supposed strength. All the Chinese can do is shadow them. Send warnings they are trespassing and sometimes conduct dangerous manouvers like barrel rolls over American aircraft. US might in the region remains unchallenged as ever.
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China are not ready for war at all. Our people at the border can see it just as USN sailors.

She called their bluff outright. They were making all sorts of threats of what would happen if she visited Taiwan.

For a Democrat that was well played at China's expense. Exactly what the region needed to see and understand who the real BOSS is.

China's show of strength was to pretend they could blockade the island which they failed to demonstrate. A very embarrassing display from a paper tiger with a military of little emperors. Military analysts were taking this show apart and wondered whether that was it. It was around ten days and then it melted away.

Other senators followed after Pelosi's visit. I guess this counts as Biden giving China the America test too. Had not considered it before.

It's worth mentioning our NSA was present at the first inauguration of tsai ing wen back in 2016.

They don't need to show they are alive. The FONOPS do that already. The US military frequently either sails or flies closer than the twelve nautical mile limit over any territory Chins has seized or claims as an outright challenge to China's supposed strength. All the Chinese can do is shadow them. Send warnings they are trespassing and sometimes conduct dangerous manouvers like barrel rolls over American aircraft. US might in the region remains unchallenged as ever.
US is visiting India since last 5 years by sending it's Pacific Commander in chief to New Delhi and asking for more participation of India in Indo-pacific arena. Even we undertake exercises with South eastern countries and Australia in South China sea and Indian Ocean.
It's not easy now for China to intrudes into Taiwan or Philippines because almost every South eastern nation is arming itself with Brahmos cruise missiles and F35s in order to keep China at bay.
Even when US asked us for a autonomous air field and naval base we refused to it but in Philipines, Vietnam & Japan bases were given to US to counter the supremacy and intrusions of China.
A while back even Bangladesh refused to give a base to US due to which it's previous govt was toppled.
We need US and Russia because Russia can influence China by negotiations while US through its military might. So it's s win win scenario for us.
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