They already made enough statements, even said war it is, if demanded. What more do anyone need ?
Nothing specific since he entered office. That is the part you keep missing.
And Pelosi demonstrated just how empty their threats were by defying the CCP and visiting Taiwan. Significant since she wasn't just any representative but the speaker of the house at the time. If Biden could stand up to China in this way you can expect Trump to be more blatant. So like I said the CCP isn't stupid to try anything.
The exercises the PLAN carried out post her supposed 'provocation' were held so far off the Taiwanese coast that the people in Taiwan weren't even aware they were taking place. So the only purpose & audience for these stunts was for face saving and their own people in China.
This whole talk of war is if Taiwan formally declares independence. But as I said earlier Taiwan is already defacto independent. With their own independent government, flag, military & currency.
And what has been the result. The DPP which is the pro independence party in Taiwan won the elections a year ago. This is their third win for the pro independence party since 2016. Four year terms. So Taiwanese are clearly in no mood for reunification any time soon. In fact what happened in HK made them even more determined that it never happens to them.
It's not 1950 or 1990's golden empire period of USA anymore and they know it. So does China.
US military spending still dwarfs the next ten states after. There has been zero retrenchment of the US from any theatre since the cold war ended. All bases in place and in fact more added since. So this 'golden empire' period you speak of is still alive & kicking.
China hasn't done anything. That should tell you they are still weak & incapable. They are the ones with the grievance. What are they waiting for.
So, only time will reveal what's in store. I just don't want one more 'rona, that's all, haha...
Nothing changes in this area mid to long term. I find amusing that you think China can still get stronger when the reality is they have peaked already and are now in a permanent decline.