you may say whatever you want, but both of those have happened and will continue to happen in the future ; ),
Nah, your analogies are still wrong.
yeeah Russia sure was looking out for its interests in 2014 ; )
As they should. Who is anyone to tell them otherwise. Kudos to Putin for being decisive.
it doesnt work that way my guy, just because you vote to leave a country and annex the land, doesnt mean you can, well unless you are USA, and like I said I'm really glad people like you arent part of the goct in India because if idiots like you were given free reign, PoK would permanently belong to Pakistan because the people vOTeD for iT.
There never was a plebiscite carried out there because Pakistan didn't pull out first. Again wrong analogy.
Oh and 60% of China is illegally annexed. Manchuria, Upper Mongolia, Tibet , East Turkestan and most recently HK.
How come idiots like you never read the entire thing y'all love to use as sources,
I have. You have not. Go read my post again. Explains in simple terms what you cannot.
#2 in your post already covers it.
Was it so hard to remove all that formatting crap?
That journalist is wrong. Why did you need to go further and obfuscate things.
I've already said the west doesn't agree with Russia's reasons for self defense. That doesn't mean Russia is in the wrong here. Commiting that much money & treasure shows how serious they are.
Here's one quote from the moron serving as the Russian foreign minister and him getting his ass handed to him
Only people getting their asses handed to them are the Uki's and the morons in the collective west who support them.
Great admiration for Sergei Lavrov. He makes his less competent western counterparts appear like the morons they already are. The Russian side has been exceptional right throughout. The Euros in comparison look like a bunch of blundering incompetents.
No you do not. Go look up the definition. Israelis have had this bogus charge thrown at them numerous times as well.
, it seems like you dont, if you dont consider entire villages being exterminated by Russia, Russian missiles striking civilian settlements. and I can go on and on but you wont get it.
And there are plenty of instances of Uki's using artillery on the people of the Donbas beforehand already. Your point is?
My man here pretending that Operation Blue Star never happened, lmfao, since like the other moron, you think Wikipedia is an acceptable source, lemme quote the para about Operation Blue Star for you
That's not an accurate comparison. Blue star was on a fortified compound that was illegally taken. You really should listen to the officer commanding who was
interviewed a while ago on Smitha Prakash podcast.
In comparison the Uki's used all manner of attacks on open population centres.
Yeah, big difference. Innocent civilians indiscriminately attacked IN THE OPEN vs a bunch of determined terrorists holed up in a temple in clear violation of the rules of war. Just like Hamas does and then wonder why their schools, hospitals and mosques are attacked.
I'll agree with you on this, I am not knowledgeable, hell I am plain ignorant on many matters
Doesn't stop you wasting people's time does it.
, but unlike people like you, I dont try to engage in bad faith debates, and bullshit their way out of any argument by cherrypicking sources and ignoring arguments for which you have no answer
This is the usual bleating when you get called out.
Oh, I did but it seems like you didnt
Nah, you didn't. You just doubled down on an already weak hand.
one thing I have learned being online is that you need to shut up trolls fast and hard, or they'll keep proliferating and keep spreading mis-information to everyone
I'm stating Russia's official position on this matter. They are the ones being trolled.
They have taken the extreme step after eight years of western arrogance and stonewalling.
Trump has seen the collective folly of taking on Russia and is trying to fix things. I wish him well in this regard. We might actually see some light at the end of the tunnel. And this democrat blunder of 'project Ukraine' put to rest for good.