The Trumps & Elon tweets thread (Had to make this since it's never ending)

Then came first term Trump. No 'China test'
China's dtrump test is whether dtrump is talking about Taiwan. He is silent and Taiwan will smoothly be part of China in due time.
And last time dtrump was haranguing with China and world got Covid19. Wish dtrump not to disturb China.
How's Hong Kong now, anybody discussion about HK ?
Same way, let us see what time have to show us.
There is no same way. If HK refuses China can send the military. So they had no choice but to accede.

But ROC is an island. Never been a part of the PRC.

It is 100 miles away from the Chinese coast. There is no way for China to take ROC without extensive casualties. Think 100k only kid PLA dead.

Never going to happen :D

This is what military people experienced in war have told me over twenty years ago. The only people who go on about it are those with no military experience.

Taiwan is already de facto independent and there isn't a thing the PRC can do about it

Since China hasn't said anything about Taiwan. They aren't stupid. Trump hasn't had to say anything.

Also consider the US policy towards Taiwan is that of strategic ambiguity. Which is an interesting Asian way of thinking from a western power. US doesn't expressly say what it will do but the last couple of times there was a straits crisis in the 50s and the late 90s, the US sent a couple of carriers to calm things down. In short its too much of a risk for China to take.
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Since China hasn't said anything about Taiwan. They aren't stupid. Trump hasn't had to say anything.
They already made enough statements, even said war it is, if demanded. What more do anyone need ?
Also consider the US policy towards Taiwan is that of strategic ambiguity.
It's not 1950 or 1990's golden empire period of USA anymore and they know it. So does China.
So, only time will reveal what's in store. I just don't want one more 'rona, that's all, haha...
They already made enough statements, even said war it is, if demanded. What more do anyone need ?
Nothing specific since he entered office. That is the part you keep missing.

And Pelosi demonstrated just how empty their threats were by defying the CCP and visiting Taiwan. Significant since she wasn't just any representative but the speaker of the house at the time. If Biden could stand up to China in this way you can expect Trump to be more blatant. So like I said the CCP isn't stupid to try anything.

The exercises the PLAN carried out post her supposed 'provocation' were held so far off the Taiwanese coast that the people in Taiwan weren't even aware they were taking place. So the only purpose & audience for these stunts was for face saving and their own people in China.

This whole talk of war is if Taiwan formally declares independence. But as I said earlier Taiwan is already defacto independent. With their own independent government, flag, military & currency.

And what has been the result. The DPP which is the pro independence party in Taiwan won the elections a year ago. This is their third win for the pro independence party since 2016. Four year terms. So Taiwanese are clearly in no mood for reunification any time soon. In fact what happened in HK made them even more determined that it never happens to them.
It's not 1950 or 1990's golden empire period of USA anymore and they know it. So does China.
US military spending still dwarfs the next ten states after. There has been zero retrenchment of the US from any theatre since the cold war ended. All bases in place and in fact more added since. So this 'golden empire' period you speak of is still alive & kicking.
China hasn't done anything. That should tell you they are still weak & incapable. They are the ones with the grievance. What are they waiting for.

So, only time will reveal what's in store. I just don't want one more 'rona, that's all, haha...
Nothing changes in this area mid to long term. I find amusing that you think China can still get stronger when the reality is they have peaked already and are now in a permanent decline.
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Nothing specific since he entered office. That is the part you keep missing.
Readiness to do war is specific enough, rather dtrump's statement about Taiwan is not that heard around.
And Pelosi demonstrated just how empty their threats were by defying the CCP and visiting Taiwan.
Lol. that coffin perfume smelling zombie didn't make any difference, compared to China's \multiple show of strength circling the island multiple time with that naval ships, fighter planes, flexing the war machine. That moronic team's visit was a mockery of the situation.
So this 'golden empire' period you speak of is still alive & kicking.
Just to show that it's alive.
Readiness to do war is specific enough, rather dtrump's statement about Taiwan is not that heard around.
China are not ready for war at all. Our people at the border can see it just as USN sailors.
Lol. that coffin perfume smelling zombie didn't make any difference,
She called their bluff outright. They were making all sorts of threats of what would happen if she visited Taiwan.

For a Democrat that was well played at China's expense. Exactly what the region needed to see and understand who the real BOSS is.
compared to China's \multiple show of strength circling the island multiple time with that naval ships, fighter planes, flexing the war machine.
China's show of strength was to pretend they could blockade the island which they failed to demonstrate. A very embarrassing display from a paper tiger with a military of little emperors. Military analysts were taking this show apart and wondered whether that was it. It was around ten days and then it melted away.
That moronic team's visit was a mockery of the situation.
Other senators followed after Pelosi's visit. I guess this counts as Biden giving China the America test too. Had not considered it before.

It's worth mentioning our NSA was present at the first inauguration of tsai ing wen back in 2016.
Just to show that it's alive.
They don't need to show they are alive. The FONOPS do that already. The US military frequently either sails or flies closer than the twelve nautical mile limit over any territory China has seized or claims as an outright challenge to China's supposed strength. All the Chinese can do is shadow them. Send warnings they are trespassing and sometimes conduct dangerous manouvers like barrel rolls over American aircraft. US might in the region remains unchallenged as ever.
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China are not ready for war at all. Our people at the border can see it just as USN sailors.

She called their bluff outright. They were making all sorts of threats of what would happen if she visited Taiwan.

For a Democrat that was well played at China's expense. Exactly what the region needed to see and understand who the real BOSS is.

China's show of strength was to pretend they could blockade the island which they failed to demonstrate. A very embarrassing display from a paper tiger with a military of little emperors. Military analysts were taking this show apart and wondered whether that was it. It was around ten days and then it melted away.

Other senators followed after Pelosi's visit. I guess this counts as Biden giving China the America test too. Had not considered it before.

It's worth mentioning our NSA was present at the first inauguration of tsai ing wen back in 2016.

They don't need to show they are alive. The FONOPS do that already. The US military frequently either sails or flies closer than the twelve nautical mile limit over any territory Chins has seized or claims as an outright challenge to China's supposed strength. All the Chinese can do is shadow them. Send warnings they are trespassing and sometimes conduct dangerous manouvers like barrel rolls over American aircraft. US might in the region remains unchallenged as ever.
US is visiting India since last 5 years by sending it's Pacific Commander in chief to New Delhi and asking for more participation of India in Indo-pacific arena. Even we undertake exercises with South eastern countries and Australia in South China sea and Indian Ocean.
It's not easy now for China to intrudes into Taiwan or Philippines because almost every South eastern nation is arming itself with Brahmos cruise missiles and F35s in order to keep China at bay.
Even when US asked us for a autonomous air field and naval base we refused to it but in Philipines, Vietnam & Japan bases were given to US to counter the supremacy and intrusions of China.
A while back even Bangladesh refused to give a base to US due to which it's previous govt was toppled.
We need US and Russia because Russia can influence China by negotiations while US through its military might. So it's s win win scenario for us.

Tulsi Gabbard in India for a 3 day visit
The U.S. spy chief Tulsi Gabbard, now in India, earlier on Monday said the “longtime unfortunate persecution, killing, and abuse of religious minorities like Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, and others has been a major area of concern for the U.S. government and President Trump and his administration."

In an interview with the TV channel, Ms. Gabbard alleged "persecution and killing" of religious minorities in Bangladesh and that "the threat of Islamic terrorists" in the country was "rooted" in the "ideology and objective" to "rule and govern with an Islamist caliphate".

She said U.S. President Donald Trump’s newly begun talks with Bangladesh’s interim government on the issue while “The talks are just beginning between President Trump's new cabinet coming in and the Government of Bangladesh, but this continues to remain a central focus area of concern".

Ms. Gabbard, who arrived in New Delhi on Sunday on a three-day visit, spoke about the ideology of an "Islamic Caliphate" and how extremist elements and terror groups globally aim for such an outcome.

The Interim Government setup under Mohammed Yunus however, said Bangladesh, like many countries around the world, faced challenges of extremism, nor has any intention to establish Islamic Caliphate“ but it has continuously worked in partnership with the international community, including the US, to address these issues through law enforcement, social reforms, and other counterterrorism efforts".

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This is one way to rebut the opposition :D

Nyt article he is referring to. Paywalled unfortunately.

He refers to one of the authors as 'Maggot' for Maggie Haberman

Maggot Hagerman, the really dumb "scammer" who constantly writes about me for the Times, using anonymous, made up (nonexistent!) sources, and who I haven't spoken to in ages, is a big part of the Scam. She lead the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, only to realize that she was duped and got it wrong. She owes me a totally discredited Pulitzer Prize for her bad reporting.
The guy always cracks me up. Really funny. Definitely innately talented for a standup :hilarious:
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Incorrect analogies that show you have NFI what this conflict is about.
you may say whatever you want, but both of those have happened and will continue to happen in the future ; ),
Yes and why did that happen. Maidan riots lead to the ousting of Yanukovich. How was he elected again? Oh yeah democratically. See once this shit went down what then happens to Russia's Black Sea fleet? Based where? Begins with the letter C.

Does Russia just sit back and watch this western instigated circus take place or act proactively to secure its interests.
yeeah Russia sure was looking out for its interests in 2014 ; )
In any case the people of Crimea that happen to be overwhelmingly Russian voted in a referendum to join Russia.
it doesnt work that way my guy, just because you vote to leave a country and annex the land, doesnt mean you can, well unless you are USA, and like I said I'm really glad people like you arent part of the goct in India because if idiots like you were given free reign, PoK would permanently belong to Pakistan because the people vOTeD for iT.
You have an incomplete understanding of the Memorandum you are quoting

Note the self defense exception?

Yeah, how come the sources or commentators you follow neglect to mention it. Because they disagree with Russia that this is a matter of self defence for Russia.

Who are they to decide what is and isn't self defense or what threatens Russia?
How come idiots like you never read the entire thing y'all love to use as sources, One other idiot on a separate thread did the same thing and could only blubber nonsense once he had to actually read something, but I digress, lemme quote some sections for your perusal since its more than clear that you didnt read it.

Here's literally the second paragraph from your source

The memoranda, signed in Patria Hall at the Budapest Convention Center with U.S. Ambassador Donald M. Blinken amongst others in attendance,<a href=""><span>[</span>3<span>]</span></a> prohibited Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, "except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations." As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.<a href=""><span>[</span>4<span>]</span></a><a href=""><span>[</span>5<span>]</span></a>

Russia breached the Budapest memorandum in 2014 with its annexation of Ukraine's Crimea.<a href=""><span>[</span>6<span>]</span></a><a href=""><span>[</span>7<span>]</span></a> As a response, the US, UK and France provided Ukraine with financial and military assistance, and imposed economic sanctions on Russia, while ruling out "any direct interventions to avoid a direct confrontation with Russia".<a href=""><span>[</span>6<span>]</span></a>

Here are the six terms mentioned in the memorandum for other folks perusal since its clear, you cant read

According to the three memoranda,<a href=""><span>[</span>8<span>]</span></a> Russia, the US and the UK confirmed their recognition of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine becoming parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and effectively removing all Soviet nuclear weapons from their soil, and that they agreed to the following:

  1. Respect the signatory's independence and sovereignty in the existing borders (in accordance with the principles of the CSCE Final Act).<a href=""><span>[</span>9<span>]</span></a>
  2. Refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the signatories to the memorandum, and undertake that none of their weapons will ever be used against these countries, except in cases of self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.
  3. Refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, and Kazakhstan of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind.
  4. Seek immediate Security Council action to provide assistance to the signatory if they "should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used".
  5. Not to use nuclear weapons against any non–nuclear-weapon state party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, except in the case of an attack on themselves, their territories or dependent territories, their armed forces, or their allies, by such a state in association or alliance with a nuclear weapon state.<a href=""><span>[</span>5<span>]</span></a><span title="Page / location: 169–171">: 169–171 </span><a href=""><span>[</span>10<span>]</span></a><a href=""><span>[</span>11<span>]</span></a>
  6. Consult with one another if questions arise regarding those commitments.<a href=""><span>[</span>12<span>]</span></a><a href=""><span>[</span>13<span>]</span></a>

and damn am I glad that US and UK thought otherwise when Ukraine argued against the breach of Clause 1 when Russia invaded Ukraine.
Oh and also
After the annexation, Canada,<a href=""><span>[</span>29<span>]</span></a> France, Germany, Italy, Japan,<a href=""><span>[</span>30<span>]</span></a> the UK,<a href=""><span>[</span>31<span>]</span></a> and the US<a href=""><span>[</span>32<span>]</span></a><a href=""><span>[</span>33<span>]</span></a> stated that Russian involvement was a breach of its Budapest Memorandum obligations to Ukraine and in violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity. On 1 March the Address of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the Guarantor States in accordance with the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 on Security Assurances in connection with Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons was published.<a href=""><span>[</span>34<span>]</span></a><a href=""><span>[</span>35<span>]</span></a>
Here's one quote from the moron serving as the Russian foreign minister and him getting his ass handed to him
In February 2016, Sergey Lavrov claimed, "Russia never violated Budapest memorandum. It contained only one obligation, not to attack Ukraine with nukes."<a href=""><span>[</span>39<span>]</span></a> However, Canadian journalist Michael Colborne pointed out that "there are actually six obligations in the Budapest Memorandum, and the first of them is 'to respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine'". Colborne also pointed out that a broadcast of Lavrov's claim on the Twitter account of Russia's embassy in the United Kingdom actually "provided a link to the text of the Budapest Memorandum itself with all six obligations, including the ones Russia has clearly violated – right there for everyone to see." Steven Pifer, an American diplomat who was involved in drafting the Budapest Memorandum, later commented on "the mendacity of Russian diplomacy and its contempt for international opinion when the foreign minister says something that can be proven wrong with less than 30 seconds of Google fact-checking?"<a href=""><span>[</span>40<span>]</span></a>
You need to understand the meaning of big words like genocide and not throw it about carelessly.
oh I do, it seems like you dont, if you dont consider entire villages being exterminated by Russia, Russian missiles striking civilian settlements. and I can go on and on but you wont get it.
See, India has faced multiple insurgencies for over half a century and counting but we never ever used artillery against our own. Because once you do that you lose the right to call those people your own.

My man here pretending that Operation Blue Star never happened, lmfao, since like the other moron, you think Wikipedia is an acceptable source, lemme quote the para about Operation Blue Star for you

The army had underestimated the firepower possessed by the militants. Militants had Chinese made rocket-propelled grenade launchers with armour piercing capabilities. Tanks and heavy artillery were used to attack the militants using anti-tank and machine-gun fire from the heavily fortified Akal Takht. After a 24-hour firefight, the army finally wrested control of the temple complex. Casualty figures for the Army were 83 dead and 249 injured.<a href=",_India#cite_note-tribune-army-50"><span>[</span>49<span>]</span></a> According to the official estimate presented by the Indian government, 1592 were apprehended and there were 493 combined militant and civilian casualties.<a href=",_India#cite_note-WhitePaper1984-51"><span>[</span>50<span>]</span></a> High civilian casualties were attributed by the state to militants using pilgrims trapped inside the temple as human shields.<a href=",_India#cite_note-Kiss_Khalistan-52"><span>[</span>51<span>]</span></a> According to Indian army generals, it was "doubtful" that Bhindranwale had any assurance of help or promise of asylum from Pakistan, as he made no attempt to escape with any associates, in additions to traditions of martyrdom.<a href=",_India#cite_note-FOOTNOTEKarim199134-53"><span>[</span>52<span>]</span></a>

Neither do lightweights like yourself who pretend to be knowledgeable.
I'll agree with you on this, I am not knowledgeable, hell I am plain ignorant on many matters, but unlike people like you, I dont try to engage in bad faith debates, and bullshit their way out of any argument by cherrypicking sources and ignoring arguments for which you have no answer
Yeah, do your homework before spouting BS at us.
Oh, I did but it seems like you didnt

P.S. My apologies to the mods for having to clean up another up of my posts, but one thing I have learned being online is that you need to shut up trolls fast and hard, or they'll keep proliferating and keep spreading mis-information to everyone
you may say whatever you want, but both of those have happened and will continue to happen in the future ; ),
Nah, your analogies are still wrong.
yeeah Russia sure was looking out for its interests in 2014 ; )
As they should. Who is anyone to tell them otherwise. Kudos to Putin for being decisive.
it doesnt work that way my guy, just because you vote to leave a country and annex the land, doesnt mean you can, well unless you are USA, and like I said I'm really glad people like you arent part of the goct in India because if idiots like you were given free reign, PoK would permanently belong to Pakistan because the people vOTeD for iT.
There never was a plebiscite carried out there because Pakistan didn't pull out first. Again wrong analogy.

Oh and 60% of China is illegally annexed. Manchuria, Upper Mongolia, Tibet , East Turkestan and most recently HK.

How come idiots like you never read the entire thing y'all love to use as sources,
I have. You have not. Go read my post again. Explains in simple terms what you cannot.

#2 in your post already covers it.

Was it so hard to remove all that formatting crap?

That journalist is wrong. Why did you need to go further and obfuscate things.

I've already said the west doesn't agree with Russia's reasons for self defense. That doesn't mean Russia is in the wrong here. Commiting that much money & treasure shows how serious they are.
Here's one quote from the moron serving as the Russian foreign minister and him getting his ass handed to him
Only people getting their asses handed to them are the Uki's and the morons in the collective west who support them.

Great admiration for Sergei Lavrov. He makes his less competent western counterparts appear like the morons they already are. The Russian side has been exceptional right throughout. The Euros in comparison look like a bunch of blundering incompetents.
No you do not. Go look up the definition. Israelis have had this bogus charge thrown at them numerous times as well.
, it seems like you dont, if you dont consider entire villages being exterminated by Russia, Russian missiles striking civilian settlements. and I can go on and on but you wont get it.
And there are plenty of instances of Uki's using artillery on the people of the Donbas beforehand already. Your point is?
My man here pretending that Operation Blue Star never happened, lmfao, since like the other moron, you think Wikipedia is an acceptable source, lemme quote the para about Operation Blue Star for you
That's not an accurate comparison. Blue star was on a fortified compound that was illegally taken. You really should listen to the officer commanding who was interviewed a while ago on Smitha Prakash podcast.

In comparison the Uki's used all manner of attacks on open population centres.

Yeah, big difference. Innocent civilians indiscriminately attacked IN THE OPEN vs a bunch of determined terrorists holed up in a temple in clear violation of the rules of war. Just like Hamas does and then wonder why their schools, hospitals and mosques are attacked.

I'll agree with you on this, I am not knowledgeable, hell I am plain ignorant on many matters
Doesn't stop you wasting people's time does it.
, but unlike people like you, I dont try to engage in bad faith debates, and bullshit their way out of any argument by cherrypicking sources and ignoring arguments for which you have no answer
This is the usual bleating when you get called out.
Oh, I did but it seems like you didnt
Nah, you didn't. You just doubled down on an already weak hand.
one thing I have learned being online is that you need to shut up trolls fast and hard, or they'll keep proliferating and keep spreading mis-information to everyone
I'm stating Russia's official position on this matter. They are the ones being trolled.

They have taken the extreme step after eight years of western arrogance and stonewalling.

Trump has seen the collective folly of taking on Russia and is trying to fix things. I wish him well in this regard. We might actually see some light at the end of the tunnel. And this democrat blunder of 'project Ukraine' put to rest for good.
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When did US stance towards Pakistan change? I think it's after Osama got killed in Abottabad right?
Even then Obama did not stop funding pakistan I think so. I think Trump did in his 1st term. Then Pakistan went begging with UAE. Afterwards they became bankrupt. Did Biden fund them using USAID? Like Hillary was doing using Biden for Bangladesh. Now since everything came out what Hillary did from 1990s Yunus tried to delete all evidence of his posts and other links to her now saying that he is a modern Gandhi.
Tulsi Gabbard said what Trump wants to say about the bloodshed of minorities in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is becoming the new pakistan.
Even our Intelligence guys were saying Hamas has entered POK. Now we have or we must expect trouble unless Trump gives a speech of the present volatile situation on our both sides.
But he is keeping mum. But Trump told the reporters when Modi visited him saying that Modi will take care of Bangladesh issue. So the ball is in our court now. With this Tulsi Gabbard visit we have seen what is going to happen next.
A bit old but I think it still counts.

Grok3 is no longer suggesting Elon Musk and Trump being the most dangerous person. I guess censorship has entered the chat.
When did US stance towards Pakistan change? I think it's after Osama got killed in Abottabad right?
Even then Obama did not stop funding pakistan I think so. I think Trump did in his 1st term.
Yeah, who can forget his new years day speech calling them liars in 2019?

This was the day I became a Trump fan and realised along with his anti China stance that things were improving for us. And all those against him were full of it.
Even our Intelligence guys were saying Hamas has entered POK. Now we have or we must expect trouble unless Trump gives a speech of the present volatile situation on our both sides. But he is keeping mum.
What trouble? We're not in the 90s anymore. What can Hamas do in PoK? Are they familiar with the terrain. No.

So the RR will dispatch Hamas faster than the Israelis :D
But Trump told the reporters when Modi visited him saying that Modi will take care of Bangladesh issue. So the ball is in our court now. With this Tulsi Gabbard visit we have seen what is going to happen next.
A bit old but I think it still counts.
View attachment 227911

Grok3 is no longer suggesting Elon Musk and Trump being the most dangerous person. I guess censorship has entered the chat.
What this proves is the enormous media bias against Trump, Musk & Vance.

Garbage in, garbage out.

Yet Trump still decisively won the popular vote and the senate. That is what counts.
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I think Trump did in his 1st term.
ven our Intelligence guys were saying Hamas has entered POK.
Don't need much to worry about these people in PoK, they will run of of interest very quickly, they have a general disdain against their asian versions, culture. climate conflict, etc. And in case any issue happens, India will first vaporize them without any consideration.