UNOFFICIAL IRC Chat Channel - Techenclave

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First post updated with the easiest way to connect to the channel. Thank you Crazy_Eddy. We have around 10-14 people at any given time on the chat. Number drops to around 5-6 after 4am, back to 10-14 during the day.
Thanks a lot to those who participate! :) Spread the word around!

@Ankit, thats right :D Used a wallpaper and made a vector based version of t, thats a tiny section of it :P
I cant seem the connect to the IRC Server.

I click connect to connect to the EnterTheGame Random Server, and it just shows a few 15-20 lines, then shows *Disconnected.
Its something wrong with the EntertheGame server.

I can connect to all other servers, but this 1...

Wth.. It was working fine till yesterday.

Err... I just got this message when trying again..

* You were killed by Services.EnterTheGame.Com (([Ref#:66644 - Expires:6/26/07 1:27:00 PM] new trojaned machine))

Holy crap, Wth is that :S.

I just did an indepth scan with NOD32 of my Machine, And I have no Virus'/Trojans/Spyware/Adware AT ALL.

Edit : Seems to be an issue with ETG IRC.

I posted on their forums. A lot of others having the same issue as well.
I too was seeing the 'Trojaned' message whenever you quit Aditya.
Stick to mIRC, maybe the server has issues with browser based clients.
I used mIRC only. Just tried Firefox based IRC Client once.

Still after than mIRC was working fine.

Its a stupid enterthegame server issue.

why did you make it on ETG CJ? :S.. Wouldnt Gamesurge have been a better choice.

Anyways, Its a ETG Server issue, many people have got this error.

Ive posted in their forums, hopefully itll be fixed for me soon.
It's mostly the IP you were using might have been banned. Best way to try and reconnect to your ISP so you're alloted a new one.
LOL! I noticed! Find another one :D Google - CGI IRC, find one that lets you enter a IRC server address and a channel. Probably happened because of too many people using a single service.
It's been close to a week now. We're still here. It's mostly me, Saumil, Garav, Rio, nuke, broar, Sharekhan, Smith and some others. TBH we've been having some nice casual talks and at certain times of the day it's been pretty active and fun.

Funky said he'd stick around for a week, he stopped in 2 days. XTerminator and hmasalia dropped in for literally 40-50 secs said a line and quit. No one responded mainly because we aren't constantly staring at our IRC clients for any messages all day.

Once again, those who do try IRC, please do keep your clients on for a fair amount of time. Those who'd like to hang out, please use mIRC or some other non-browser based IRC client and set it to stay in your system tray. My problem again is what sort of effort goes into running a 2MB proggie whenever you're on the PC/net?!

Hope to see more people connecting~
actually i did not stop. I am still there when i am able to connect. ( With different nicks though :P )

I am having issues connecting.

It comes to this and stops there. half the time.

[21:21] -MD.EnterTheGame.Com- *** Looking up your hostname...

[21:21] -MD.EnterTheGame.Com- *** Checking Ident

[21:21] -MD.EnterTheGame.Com- *** No Ident response
I'm curious to know how many people would be interested in a live auction on the IRC channel. I wanted to sell some of my used (and new) computer parts, and thought, why not run a live auction! :P It will be fun and buyers get to determine the sale price... d1vya will also be there to provide some entertainment lol.
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