What exactly is Government of India doing?

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Haha this thread reads like an anti government propaganda presser. .. I am not invested in politics and not pro or anti government as such... However just living in an echo chamber or thread where each and every thing is just anti government.. How is that supposed to convince any rational person? Shouldn't continuous one sided arguments on either side be a big red flag that something is being hidden from view... This argument is not unbiased
Absolutely... Positive things rarely get the coverage they need, and as someone who has friends who work in infrastructure-related stuff, I know how drastically things do have changed. Remember, elections are not won on Twitter/whatever social media you are on. All social media is gamed now. :) Not replying to so much BS (even here) because I don't really wish to get into arguments with folks
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While many despise him for his arrogance and violent attitude, there are few instances where leaders like him speak with common sense and logic....
Yeah, as long as it satisfies you. Again, as I said before, isn't one forum enough for your right to speech that you exercise given by constitution of India but on platforms ruled by dictators?

Anything against current regime and you are all in for it.
Haha this thread reads like an anti government propaganda presser. .. I am not invested in politics and not pro or anti government as such... However just living in an echo chamber or thread where each and every thing is just anti government.. How is that supposed to convince any rational person? Shouldn't continuous one sided arguments on either side be a big red flag that something is being hidden from view... This argument is not unbiased

Take the hint, the platform is biased and is slides to the Left.
Absolutely... Positive things rarely get the coverage they need, and as someone who has friends who work in infrastructure-related stuff, I know how drastically things do have changed. Remember, elections are not won on Twitter/whatever social media you are on. All social media is gamed now. :) Not replying to so much BS (even here) because I don't really wish to get into arguments with folks
What hilarious is, there are stuff and news which never ever got covered under UPA are being covered now. Our media has adopted the exact copy of US media, tells us how much a democracy is flawed.

The same people who has problem with Godi media (mainstream media of India) are very happy and satisfied with the mainstream media (democrat left slided FAKE NEWS) of the US. Hypocrites isn't?
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Haha this thread reads like an anti government propaganda presser. .. I am not invested in politics and not pro or anti government as such... However just living in an echo chamber or thread where each and every thing is just anti government.. How is that supposed to convince any rational person? Shouldn't continuous one sided arguments on either side be a big red flag that something is being hidden from view... This argument is not unbiased
Yeah, as long as it satisfies you. Again, as I said before, isn't one forum enough for your right to speech that you exercise given by constitution of India but on platforms ruled by dictators?

Anything against current regime and you are all in for it.

Lol... sour grapes!! You want to cling on to old issues, your choice.
Again, I don't need your permission to place my opinion. Since most of your posts have clearly showed that you have an intolerant mindset to anything which goes against your views, do yourself and others a favour by putting me in that ignore tab. That way you can be surrounded with that pseudo-amazing world of yours where all posts are in tune to your liking.
I have my opinion and I placed my argument here with facts. You don't agree.. put a counter argument or simply ignore!!
The viewpoint was placed to show the hollowness with the current regime. No govt is perfect, neither is this.
Lol... sour grapes!! You want to cling on to old issues, your choice.
Again, I don't need your permission to place my opinion. Since most of your posts have clearly showed that you have an intolerant mindset to anything which goes against your views, do yourself and others a favour by putting me in that ignore tab. That way you can be surrounded with that pseudo-amazing world of yours where all posts are in tune to your liking.
I have my opinion and I placed my argument here with facts. You don't agree.. put a counter argument or simply ignore!!
The viewpoint was placed to show the hollowness with the current regime. No govt is perfect, neither is this.
I never said this govt is perfect. Sour grapes? Really? that's the best you can do? You cling onto old hate of yours to anything pro Modi, pro BJP, hence your criticism, I wanna see just 2-3 things (fine out of 100 criticism), just show me 2-3 of your old posts of yours where you have applauded this Govt for doing anything Good. If you can't, then this is what is called having an agenda, miss-using free speech, abusing platform rights. You can check my old posts where you will see me criticizing this govt for things which weren't right aswell as things which were right, hence my points. You use all your platforms (yeah I know all the other platforms you use propaganda/agenda) for the same thing.

I don't agree with you yes, but countering your argument , I won't do because sir you have a mindset, you have already made up your mind , period. Show me any of your posts for demo, 370, caa, anything on major policy changes that you have appreciated of this govt. Any counter point being made will be not acceptable to you coming from my past experiences and the company you keep encourage you in making or criticizing even more.

As you don't need my permission, similarly I don't need your permission criticizing anything that you do, that's fair right? equal laws/rights for everyone no? Why should I wanna put you in my ignore? so that you can spread hate/propaganda/agenda easily without someone criticizing your point?

My hollowness? dude, i have criticized govt here many times, are you that dumb to not notice it? (if you don't have time to not notice then don't call my hollowness for the govt.)

This govt if have done anything good is upbringing the one's who were suppressed in 60 year old Govt's and suppressing those who were earlier appeased by earlier govt's just to keep their vote shares. Lemme be clear when I say suppress, I don't mean taking their rights away, I mean bringing those rights to equal as the other citizens or different industry standards.

Speaking of which, I wanna know your opinion and other people's opinion on this

Speaking of which, I wanna know your opinion and other people's opinion on this

Do you really think that just because people like me don't like what BJP is doing, we will condone such activities against them. Tit for tat is not what I seek. And vigilante/mob justice is equally deplorable whether it is acts like this one or cow vigilantism.
I am gonna share a recent story with you of what has happened in UP related to cow vigilantism among other issues - https://m.thewire.in/article/rights/cow-protection-gaushala-uttar-pradesh-yogi-adityanath

And I've told you before as well, it is not the job of citizens to praise the govt and no one should be judged for not praising them. For a democracy to be functional, it is the duty of the citizens to be constantly vigilant and critical of government so that they don't abuse their powers and can be held accountable. Unfortunately, that seldom happens and is very difficult for most people to fulfill this duty because they are busy fending for their livelihood. And those who do are then questioned by someone like you who asks us why didn't you appreciate the government and only criticize.
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The same people who has problem with Godi media (mainstream media of India) are very happy and satisfied with the mainstream media (democrat left slided FAKE NEWS) of the US. Hypocrites isn't?
A keen observation esp. since Trump has been replaced by Biden now
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Do you really think that just because people like me don't like what BJP is doing, we will condone such activities against them. Tit for tat is not what I seek. And vigilante/mob justice is equally deplorable whether it is acts like this one or cow vigilantism.
I am gonna share a recent story with you of what has happened in UP related to cow vigilantism among other issues - https://m.thewire.in/article/rights/cow-protection-gaushala-uttar-pradesh-yogi-adityanath

And I've told you before as well, it is not the job of citizens to praise the govt and no one should be judged for not praising them. For a democracy to be functional, it is the duty of the citizens to be constantly vigilant and critical of government so that they don't abuse their powers and can be held accountable. Unfortunately, that seldom happens and is very difficult for most people to fulfill this duty because they are busy fending for their livelihood. And those who do are then questioned by someone like you who asks us why didn't you appreciate the government and only criticize.

I never say never criticize the Govt, I would never say that. I always say criticize the Govt for valid reasons and there are MANY MANY reasons for which this Govt can be criticized.

Few of them :
- Petrol diesel prices
- Cryptocurrencies ban (if it get's passed)
- the vaccine which got approved without the 3rd phase testing with results. among many others.

I am not a BJP sympathizer, for me before the Govt, the country comes first. I actually am a fan of congress's ideology and fully support it but with BJP's leadership. Congress's leadership is good in paper, unfortunately they used their ideology for vote bank rather than country's growth. Sure, BJP plays the religious politics, we all know that, ever heard "when in rome, do what the romans do?". There is a reason why BJP get's so many seats and votes, People are sick! they are sick to their stomach. We all have suffered enough. Congress did nothing but appeased the "peace loving" religion and then they talk about equality. They did it when they were in power and they still do it when they are in opposition. BJP, took that appeasement away on a larger scale, good riddance! I for myself, I don't see a difference how I personally have got any better rights or power. It has been the same for us, but now the other people say "India is not safe for other religion" only because the appeasement was taken away and they have to be equal now in front of law and order.

Go check the numbers of minorities in India compared to say, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Minorities there have gone from 20% to 1-2% there. Compare it to India's data and there is a difference of 1% up/down. 14% to 13.2% or some say 14.8%

But if you are gonna criticize them every damn time no matter what policy they come up with, that will be construed as propaganda/agenda. I asked Tejas to come up with 2-3 posts (among 100 posts) where he hasn't criticized the Govt, and then those 97-98 posts I am willing to consider as valid criticism, but no, rather he come up with that, he liked your reply which is easy to do and hide in the corner without coming up with facts. And the one you linked, I will consider valid, but wire is on agenda spree. even Toolkit exposed by Greta cleared showed allies and wire was one of them. Don't quote me a publication which is there to get funded by foreign vested parties to serve the west's foreign policy target's. Democrats want the whole world now to have a Left Govt and not just in their own country and they are super powerful and dangerous now as they have BIG TECH as allies. Putin clearly said recently, these BIG TECH don't compete with each other anymore, they compete with country's Govt now.
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I never say never criticize the Govt, I would never say that. I always say criticize the Govt for valid reasons and there are MANY MANY reasons for which this Govt can be criticized.

Few of them :
- Petrol diesel prices
- Cryptocurrencies ban (if it get's passed)
- the vaccine which got approved without the 3rd phase testing with results. among many others.

I am not a BJP sympathizer, for me before the Govt, the country comes first. I actually am a fan of congress's ideology and fully support it but with BJP's leadership. Congress's leadership is good in paper, unfortunately they used their ideology for vote bank rather than country's growth. Sure, BJP plays the religious politics, we all know that, ever heard "when in rome, do what the romans do?". There is a reason why BJP get's so many seats and votes, People are sick! they are sick to their stomach. We all have suffered enough. Congress did nothing but appeased the "peace loving" religion and then they talk about equality. They did it when they were in power and they still do it when they are in opposition. BJP, took that appeasement away on a larger scale, good riddance! I for myself, I don't see a difference how I personally have got any better rights or power. It has been the same for us, but now the other people say "India is not safe for other religion" only because the appeasement was taken away and they have to be equal now in front of law and order.

Go check the numbers of minorities in India compared to say, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Minorities there have gone from 20% to 1-2% there. Compare it to India's data and there is a difference of 1% up/down. 14% to 13.2% or some say 14.8%

But if you are gonna criticize them every damn time no matter what policy they come up with, that will be construed as propaganda/agenda. I asked Tejas to come up with 2-3 posts (among 100 posts) where he hasn't criticized the Govt, and then those 97-98 posts I am willing to consider as valid criticism, but no, rather he come up with that, he liked your reply which is easy to do and hide in the corner without coming up with facts. And the one you linked, I will consider valid, but wire is on agenda spree. even Toolkit exposed by Greta cleared showed allies and wire was one of them. Don't quote me a publication which is there to get funded by foreign vested parties to serve the west's foreign policy target's. Democrats want the whole world now to have a Left Govt and not just in their own country and they are super powerful and dangerous now as they have BIG TECH as allies. Putin clearly said recently, these BIG TECH don't compete with each other anymore, they compete with country's Govt now.
Personally, I just can't stand how this govt allowed cow vigilantism to rise in India and how they have made cows more important than actual humans. Recently they even made up a Cow Science exam and the material for that was anything but science. They had to take those chapters back when the Animal Husbandry department publicly boycotted the material.
Apart from that, my personal stance is that modern world has no place for religion because it brings more harm than good. I am not denying it has good aspects. My BiL told me today, how, in Chandigarh, the Gurudwaras and Mandirs and Masjids and Churches, fed more than 1 L meals a day for 3 months straight to the needy. But this can be done by a responsible and caring govt as well and I'd rather have a social system based on laws and logic rather than on religious teachings which get manipulated by all and sundry. Since, this is my stance on religion, I think you get the gist of what my stance would be on religion politics.
Maybe we should have said more when you say that Congress was doing minority appeasement. However, I personally, get affected more when I see targeting people based on religion. I could care less about appeasement because it had no effect on me. But when I see a govt targeting a certain group of people (on whatever reason it may be), I feel scared that someday even I might get targeted for some affiliation of mine. And that's why someone like me shows my displeasure more in these instances rather than when we see appeasement.
Might I say that the people defending the govt here, do so only cause they have the privilege of not being in their line of fire. All your bad-faith questions, logic, arguments turn to dust when the cannon turns towards you.

On that note I would like to tell you, your views about this govt wont be the same, if and when you face the brunt of this govt's moronic policies, bad decisions, dictatorial power structure or if they just turn the heat in your general direction. Sometimes they will do it cause it is their habit to stop people from talking about one disaster by creating another disaster as a distraction. Once you are in the line of fire, you will suddenly see light and the bhakt in you will vanish.

When your life is destroyed, then come tell us how that one extra bridge they built was great, even if on the flip side they also fcuked your life. Till then , please fcuk off.
Might I say that the people defending the govt here, do so only cause they have the privilege of not being in their line of fire. All your bad-faith questions, logic, arguments turn to dust when the cannon turns towards you.

On that note I would like to tell you, your views about this govt wont be the same, if and when you face the brunt of this govt's moronic policies, bad decisions, dictatorial power structure or if they just turn the heat in your general direction. Sometimes they will do it cause it is their habit to stop people from talking about one disaster by creating another disaster as a distraction. Once you are in the line of fire, you will suddenly see light and the bhakt in you will vanish.

When your life is destroyed, then come tell us how that one extra bridge they built was great, even if on the flip side they also fcuked your life. Till then , please fcuk off.
"Till then, please fcuk off" .. Just curious. Are you telling the other person not to post his views?
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Personally, I just can't stand how this govt allowed cow vigilantism to rise in India and how they have made cows more important than actual humans. Recently they even made up a Cow Science exam and the material for that was anything but science. They had to take those chapters back when the Animal Husbandry department publicly boycotted the material.
Apart from that, my personal stance is that modern world has no place for religion because it brings more harm than good. I am not denying it has good aspects. My BiL told me today, how, in Chandigarh, the Gurudwaras and Mandirs and Masjids and Churches, fed more than 1 L meals a day for 3 months straight to the needy. But this can be done by a responsible and caring govt as well and I'd rather have a social system based on laws and logic rather than on religious teachings which get manipulated by all and sundry. Since, this is my stance on religion, I think you get the gist of what my stance would be on religion politics.
Maybe we should have said more when you say that Congress was doing minority appeasement. However, I personally, get affected more when I see targeting people based on religion. I could care less about appeasement because it had no effect on me. But when I see a govt targeting a certain group of people (on whatever reason it may be), I feel scared that someday even I might get targeted for some affiliation of mine. And that's why someone like me shows my displeasure more in these instances rather than when we see appeasement.

Honestly, I liked the way you replied quite alot more than previous, and I respect that, hence the like. My personal views have always been respect all religions, and I'm sure your views are the same right? (I hope), Now in some religion if cow have always been important, then let it. Isn't that what we all believe in, live and let live? I personally don't give a .... , my beliefs are all animals are equal and to treat them humanly (except for some delicious one's)

Coming to your reply now, I don't remember which or what movie or tv show I watched but I totally agreed with it, when someone asked, you know why someone votes the way they vote for a political party? is it development? is it they are honest? is it they have good core values? is it their policies are quite good compared to the other's? is it their way to conduct business? is it their personality? No. Zilch! 99% of the population votes, coz of fear. Fear. Fear for keeping their religion, fear for bad actors, fear for development, fear can be of 1000 other things. Now why do people vote for BJP? is it religion? Perhaps. but is it really? Let's dive into the history shall we? isn't this the same people who voted for congress all these years? People say these people vote for BJP because they are illiterate and Modi takes advantage of that. Oh, so does that mean earlier people were quite educated who used to vote for congress? These are baseless arguments. Now, as I said before , When in Rome, do what romans do is exactly what BJP applied and it worked for them. You as far as I have seen your posts (over the yrs) , you are a NRI or may be you come here or go US? So it is easy to compare US politics to India? Religion politics seen here seems yuck or pathetic, but US's politics have really turned hell alot ugly, to that extent that CIVIL unrest and CIVIL war is all the intelligence agencies are anticipating there. Do we want that here?

Your wording to "I can't stand this Govt for the reason fill in the blanks_______" that basically say's your way of not liking this Govt is purely and passionately out of hate. Hate.

Now, your stance of modern politics or modern world is that there is no space for religion. But my great sir, understand, we are in India. The only damn thing here works to calm down the population is let them have their faith, their religion , that's the damn thing that calms the hell down to these people. My personal views is It's pathetic(Yes pathetic) how much religion have always been upmost priority to Indian people. Modi knows that. We are not ready for that kind of change, may be in 50-80yrs but currently strictly No, and probably the reason why west's political influenced never worked here to achieve their foreign policy target's though that never makes them stop though. The more you will try to change minds of people here, the more they will become "kattar" (stubborn) to keeping their faith.

I myself laugh at people who call other people bhakts. It's a strategy that the opposition thought will work but the only thing that did was to give congress an ego boost. They damn don't understand earlier if different caste people even voted for them and other's might didn't, atleast congress was getting votes and had the PMO. Now they keep and keep and keep on calling people bhakts and that influenced other Left oriented people to call RW bhakts too. Understand the technicality here, Hindus , we all know have the majority population right? but atleast earlier they were divided. The only people who never had unity was Hindus. We(I am also an Hindu) were cowards. We probably still are cowards. But when you call group of people bhakts , you put them in a group which won't make them feel offended but only make them unite. Hence the reason of more seats for BJP in 2019 rather than 2014. I for sure thought in 2019 they won't get the majority but they did hence my assessment.

Why do other religion people have so much unity? Because they are called a word. Some terrorists, some khalistanis, some chinkis, some bihari's and what not. Here you(not personally you) grouped all those divided people a tag bhakts. Wht you think a named group people do? Unite and vote. It's that simple.

To reply to your last topic for minority appeasement. Let me tell you but giving you an example. I'm from Jammu, (J&K) , you know Jammu and Kashmir has always been together, state name, UT or w/e, but do you know how much Jammu people or kashmir people hate each other? Why? There were so many damn reasons that I can't even count. I'll tell you abt Jammu people here. They hate not even kashmiri muslims but even kashmiri hindus too but not to the extent of being voilent, same goes for hindu kashmiri's, haven't seen voilence from there side too, however we all know the level of violence goes in Kashmir. Reasons - ex - If internet goes down in kashmir, it goes down in Jammu too where as violence in Jammu is 1/100 of kashmir or even less than that. We hate that we get dragged in every policy of center because of kashmir. If we get dragged, ladakh get's dragged too. Now, there always have been Muslim CM in J&K, never ever Hindu, it's not the religion of CM, we hate, it's the muslim appeasement where as muslims are not even minority in there. Imagine. Where center in UPA did minority appeasement for the vote bank, laughs are for the politics in J&K where they not only do Muslim appeasement, they soooo much encourage it. You wanna see the way people were treated? Ladakh, they were treated the worst. Worst. Just check this out
<< each and every damn word of it is true to the core. When center pays so much to the J&K govt with muslim leadership and they put 70% of that money for kashmir rather than dividing it equally, that's what happens. You are afraid is the same happen to you, my dear sir, same exactly has already happened to Kashmiri Hindus. People talk about kashmir and kashmir, and then kashmir, and ofcourse kashmir, and in UN whenever the topic comes, they name is "J&K" in papers, and there you go , jammu get's dragged.

I have so much to write, but this has gotten way too long. Remember one thing, when you have fear of one Govt, you will vote for the opposition but did you ever understand how you got that fear? and who benefits from that fear? Wire is one of many many other publications who is opposed to everything what this regime does, hence it's in their best interest's in creating fear to convince people to vote for the opposition. Why it still doesn't work? because my good sir, as I said before , people are sick of the opposition, they are done for good. That fear was created in your mind hence it works for their interests. It doesn't just go in journalism, it works in social media ofcourse aswell. I'll say watch The social dilemma, it's amazing how the news and media changes our mind and after 20-30 years, we might call ourselves humans but in reality we will be robots (probably including me) and puppets for them to do what they say without even realizing this is called Digital slavery.
Might I say that the people defending the govt here, do so only cause they have the privilege of not being in their line of fire. All your bad-faith questions, logic, arguments turn to dust when the cannon turns towards you.

On that note I would like to tell you, your views about this govt wont be the same, if and when you face the brunt of this govt's moronic policies, bad decisions, dictatorial power structure or if they just turn the heat in your general direction. Sometimes they will do it cause it is their habit to stop people from talking about one disaster by creating another disaster as a distraction. Once you are in the line of fire, you will suddenly see light and the bhakt in you will vanish.

When your life is destroyed, then come tell us how that one extra bridge they built was great, even if on the flip side they also fcuked your life. Till then , please fcuk off.

Not being in the line of fire? we never get in line of fire. Not even under UPA. People under line of fire are the one's who have done corruption under NDA, are the one's who use violence. People talk about kashmir but never talk about the exodus of kashmiri Hindus, why? I pity the kashmiri Hindus, but the best thing they ever did when they were thrown out of kashmir was never take up arms and start terrorism. If that doesn't tell you the tolerance power of them, nothing will. Instead, they worked, and got jobs and gave education to their kids so that they can earn a good standard of living. Even though when they came to Jammu, and belonging to the same religion, people of Jammu hated them coz they took our jobs, but never did violence. Those were the people who were in line of fire and what did they do? No terrorism, no cry foul or none of them started journalism to punch or propoganda against UPA, they just remained calm while they had tears in their eyes and cried in their heart. I have so many friend's in kashmiri hindus community and all I see is, they don't even talk about the incident or don't even wanna raise their voice or don't want to exercise their freedom of speech. Now that's called true peace. They though whenever talked about, cried, and cried and had that cannon in their heart but I applaud how they over came it. I myself could never ever do it. You wanna exercise your right to speech, go ahead. But, if you don't know where and when you cross the line, then don't start crying for FOS, and FOE. Govt has the power and surely you can go to the judiciary. Are all those who get arrested is fair, may be not. But I see people getting arrested for abusing someone's god (me myself DGAF much abt religion personally). They should be thankful they are getting just arrested, the same if done to the other so called "peace loving religion" people, behead people. No one talks about that. No one! Why? coz it suits your agenda of hate towards current regime.

Life was destroyed, by the other sides years ago, no one gave a F and still not much has been done about it (even after getting rid of 370) but atleast something was done. Baby steps is all we can ask for.

Yeah, I can handle a conversation and not use abusive language at the same time, so... good for you.
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Now, as I said before , When in Rome, do what romans do is exactly what BJP applied and it worked for them. You as far as I have seen your posts (over the yrs) , you are a NRI or may be you come here or go US? So it is easy to compare US politics to India? Religion politics seen here seems yuck or pathetic, but US's politics have really turned hell alot ugly, to that extent that CIVIL unrest and CIVIL war is all the intelligence agencies are anticipating there. Do we want that here?

I realized it after watching Social Dilemma only that we need to have such difficult conversations if we need to find a way forward. Otherwise, most people are happy just concurring with people having same belief systems and that's the reason for the divide we are seeing between each other these days. Hence, my writing style has changed now.
Sorry to disappoint you but I am just another normal guy from India just like you, currently trying to become a farmer not far from your hometown Jammu, in my ancestral village in Himachal Pradesh.

I see that you have written more than once that, 'When in Rome do as the Romans.' I must tell you I tried very hard but failed to do so, because many times my conscience doesn't allow me to be that person who can look the other way. That is exactly what happened in the case of the exodus of 'Kashmiri Pandits' and it shouldn't have. The country, our leaders and our people, looked the other way when they shouldn't have. And that is the real reason why the people who were tortured to leave their homes, went away meekly (not meant in any disrespectful way) . It's not the right example of tolerance. It is just how apathetic our country's people are to the plight of others that we couldn't give a damn about what was happening to our own fellow citizens. And when someone sees that they are alone and others don't care about their plight, is when they also have to give up the fight. Sorry, but this is not the intolerance I'd like to be associated with Hinduism. This is just a big failure in my eyes.
Having said that, and this is just my personal opinion, I don't think that a show of power and unity is to target the other side the same way they did to us. The real show of power and unity would've been at that time to not allow our fellow citizens (and I really don't care what religion anyone belongs to, I say this for anyone who has ever been oppressed for whatever reason), to be treated that way and to stand and fight alongside them against the injustice.

I can see how what I say, may be perceived as the word of an NRI. Maybe I am not at all aware of the ground realities of India and my ideologies seem to be far removed from what an average Indian is capable of, but I do believe that they stem from very simple fundas and morals and if I can have them sitting here where I am, than so can many others in our country and so I find solace in the fact that I might not be alone.

Now, I do realize that I have the privilege of making these statements from afar with nothing similarly serious having happened to me. And the true test of my beliefs would be how I react when something similar happens to me. If I may share a small incident, which I am not saying is anywhere close to the same level, but just another example of how our fellow citizens are apathetic to others in their vicinity. I once ran into an altercation with a bus driver because of the completely wrong way he was driving. That was the day I myself had to meekly submit to the power of the majority when I saw that all the passengers of the bus were ready to hit me and even kill me in the process just because they didn't want to get inconvenienced when I was trying to correct the bus driver. According the whole population on the bus, I should just give up and allow the bus driver to drive rashly and irresponsibly because that's the way bus drivers drive and they were ready to get me out of the way just because they would be late by 15 minutes. Not a single one of them thought, that their own lives were being endangered by the same bus driver. Now, even I can boast that I have become more tolerant after more than 1 such incident, but the truth is I have lost and actually given up and again that is due to the apathetic nature of my fellow citizens who travel in these buses who couldn't care less. Again, I am not saying these incidents are anywhere close to what you were talking about, but I think you can see the ever so slight similarity.

Another small point I'd like to make is, why when we take a look at out history, instead of learning from our follies and finding more benevolent ways to deal with our issues, we instead seek to take revenge for deeds of the past. Again, my personal opinion is, that true justice only happens when you punish the actual offenders and not their descendants for crimes that their ancestors committed. That only leads to repetition of a vicious cycle in which we become the oppressor when we seek to take revenge by punishing the descendants and then their descendants will continue doing the same to our descendants. Reparations for a crime should not include taking revenge by punishing future generations for crimes that they didn't commit.
Another small point I'd like to make is, why when we take a look at out history, instead of learning from our follies and finding more benevolent ways to deal with our issues, we instead seek to take revenge for deeds of the past. Again, my personal opinion is, that true justice only happens when you punish the actual offenders and not their descendants for crimes that their ancestors committed. That only leads to repetition of a vicious cycle in which we become the oppressor when we seek to take revenge by punishing the descendants and then their descendants will continue doing the same to our descendants. Reparations for a crime should not include taking revenge by punishing future generations for crimes that they didn't commit.

Agreed. I would like that too. I am all for not holding the grudge. But understand, how these (majority) are doing so. It should be an example to the whole nation. They are not being violent, and as the saying goes, forgive but not forget, they have really forgiven these people (the leaders and the stuff they did), but they never forgot. These majority people , best thing they did - never took voilence or propoganda or witch hunt, they just used the constitution and voted in a party which deserved another chance after Atal ji. Compare that with any Muslim majority country. Forgetting the history is easy for someone to say but the reality of the ground is far far different. See the BJP what they did. You think they opposed just at the social media level? Media level? They were on ground working. Not just BJP but their allies aswell. And their organizations aswell RSS etc (for which IDGAF abt) but for a normal person RSS is god given for them. They gave treatments, help, money, food for an ordinary citizen, my dad being an example. I didn't even hear of RSS my whole life, I heard it like 1 yr back, I didn't even knew the word RSS. I don't even care for it, I am just talking politics here. I'm not left or right extremist, I am more of a Shekhar Gupta's ideology (from Theprint), just totally politics and techniques of it. Now, when I heard the word RSS and ofcourse the news showed them as total evil, rapists, terrorists and whatnot, I was like , even if they are good, I'd stay away from anything like that, and just the mainstream parties such as INC or NDA/BJP is good enough. May be the leadership of RSS is evil and are terrorist's as the anti-modi publications claim(it sounds kinda like that story of bobby deol's Aashram). But you get votes from common citizens. Citizens who are in the ground whom RSS served under UPA since the independence, and still serve them. May be the leadership of RSS is corrupt and rapists which doesn't come out in front of the public. Congress has gotten so pathetic that Raga couldn't even win his own election against Smriti Irani (whom I think she is an idiot and hypocrite) but what do you think she did and other's didn't? Ground work, plain and simple. Did she leverage social media? damn right she did. What congress does? look at Maharashtra , all day we hear news of some shit that went wrong there. Arnab shit, sushant, witch hunt by shiv sena, mumbai police's image, throwing ink at people, shows complete state has gone to goons. It's a circus, and what you think will happen in next elections? It's gonna be fadnavis. Even Trump wasn't able to control the narrative like how BJP has controlled it. Are they perfect? Hell no. But they have so much support, you have no damn idea. Ground work is very very important. Congress thought they will take the easy route and work on social media where they get their ass kicked anyway but still no/hardly any ground work. This isn't USA. There they are like 10% of the population is in twitter compared to hardly 0.3% in India out of total population. I actually wish I'd be PR for INC. I am not saying I am better than other's, but those idiots need to change their strategy + ground work is important. They are expecting if Govt gives up against farmer's, they will start getting support from those people who vote for BJP, actually No. The whole thing seen by Modi voters will be that this was blackmail and extortion and Modi being a good guy didn't wanted to use the force or shoot to kill. Is this the kind of strategy they are going for ? Opposition thinks Tikait is the Anil Kapoor of the movie Nayak and are coming to click selfies. Wow.. These guys have tried everything and to counter modi, there has to be something else. Come on.. hard facts, with proof, an irrifuting proof that BJP did corruption. They need to break people's trust from Modi. There current strategy has been pathetic. I for one actually wants to see Modi bleed (with popcorn as I love politics purely FOR POLITICS). It will be fun to watch how it happens. Also, they need to throw Raga out, the more he is in , the more he is a joke and meme factory for BJP supporters. People don't make meme's for a person they trust or have respect for. The only reason for BJP to get majority again will be Raga and tbh I don't wanna see that. The more the power is divided, the better it is in a democracy but if the divided power is gonna just do politics rather than nation building then I'd rather have BJP as majority and call it "f*** it, let's do it situation".

Now, I do realize that I have the privilege of making these statements from afar with nothing similarly serious having happened to me. And the true test of my beliefs would be how I react when something similar happens to me. If I may share a small incident, which I am not saying is anywhere close to the same level, but just another example of how our fellow citizens are apathetic to others in their vicinity. I once ran into an altercation with a bus driver because of the completely wrong way he was driving. That was the day I myself had to meekly submit to the power of the majority when I saw that all the passengers of the bus were ready to hit me and even kill me in the process just because they didn't want to get inconvenienced when I was trying to correct the bus driver. According the whole population on the bus, I should just give up and allow the bus driver to drive rashly and irresponsibly because that's the way bus drivers drive and they were ready to get me out of the way just because they would be late by 15 minutes. Not a single one of them thought, that their own lives were being endangered by the same bus driver. Now, even I can boast that I have become more tolerant after more than 1 such incident, but the truth is I have lost and actually given up and again that is due to the apathetic nature of my fellow citizens who travel in these buses who couldn't care less. Again, I am not saying these incidents are anywhere close to what you were talking about, but I think you can see the ever so slight similarity.

No offense, but it seems the way you have written is like - you think those people in the bus doesn't care for their own life (I can be wrong as writing and actually see it happening can be different perspectives). It's very true that bus drivers drive fast. But they follow a same routine everyday. May be that majority created a fear or resentment towards to turning your behavior sour perhaps? that you think you were correct there and driver was wrong, and may be you were correct, but not in the eyes of those people who have the right to make the decision for themselves rather than you making it for them.

For me calling you NRI, I apologize, I think I may have mistaken you for someone else who was buying phones and sending it to India few yrs ago in a sale thread. I don't remember now.
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Honestly, I liked the way you replied quite alot more than previous, and I respect that, hence the like. My personal views have always been respect all religions, and I'm sure your views are the same right? (I hope), Now in some religion if cow have always been important, then let it. Isn't that what we all believe in, live and let live? I personally don't give a .... , my beliefs are all animals are equal and to treat them humanly (except for some delicious one's)

Coming to your reply now, I don't remember which or what movie or tv show I watched but I totally agreed with it, when someone asked, you know why someone votes the way they vote for a political party? is it development? is it they are honest? is it they have good core values? is it their policies are quite good compared to the other's? is it their way to conduct business? is it their personality? No. Zilch! 99% of the population votes, coz of fear. Fear. Fear for keeping their religion, fear for bad actors, fear for development, fear can be of 1000 other things. Now why do people vote for BJP? is it religion? Perhaps. but is it really? Let's dive into the history shall we? isn't this the same people who voted for congress all these years? People say these people vote for BJP because they are illiterate and Modi takes advantage of that. Oh, so does that mean earlier people were quite educated who used to vote for congress? These are baseless arguments. Now, as I said before , When in Rome, do what romans do is exactly what BJP applied and it worked for them. You as far as I have seen your posts (over the yrs) , you are a NRI or may be you come here or go US? So it is easy to compare US politics to India? Religion politics seen here seems yuck or pathetic, but US's politics have really turned hell alot ugly, to that extent that CIVIL unrest and CIVIL war is all the intelligence agencies are anticipating there. Do we want that here?

Your wording to "I can't stand this Govt for the reason fill in the blanks_______" that basically say's your way of not liking this Govt is purely and passionately out of hate. Hate.

Now, your stance of modern politics or modern world is that there is no space for religion. But my great sir, understand, we are in India. The only damn thing here works to calm down the population is let them have their faith, their religion , that's the damn thing that calms the hell down to these people. My personal views is It's pathetic(Yes pathetic) how much religion have always been upmost priority to Indian people. Modi knows that. We are not ready for that kind of change, may be in 50-80yrs but currently strictly No, and probably the reason why west's political influenced never worked here to achieve their foreign policy target's though that never makes them stop though. The more you will try to change minds of people here, the more they will become "kattar" (stubborn) to keeping their faith.

I myself laugh at people who call other people bhakts. It's a strategy that the opposition thought will work but the only thing that did was to give congress an ego boost. They damn don't understand earlier if different caste people even voted for them and other's might didn't, atleast congress was getting votes and had the PMO. Now they keep and keep and keep on calling people bhakts and that influenced other Left oriented people to call RW bhakts too. Understand the technicality here, Hindus , we all know have the majority population right? but atleast earlier they were divided. The only people who never had unity was Hindus. We(I am also an Hindu) were cowards. We probably still are cowards. But when you call group of people bhakts , you put them in a group which won't make them feel offended but only make them unite. Hence the reason of more seats for BJP in 2019 rather than 2014. I for sure thought in 2019 they won't get the majority but they did hence my assessment.

Why do other religion people have so much unity? Because they are called a word. Some terrorists, some khalistanis, some chinkis, some bihari's and what not. Here you(not personally you) grouped all those divided people a tag bhakts. Wht you think a named group people do? Unite and vote. It's that simple.

To reply to your last topic for minority appeasement. Let me tell you but giving you an example. I'm from Jammu, (J&K) , you know Jammu and Kashmir has always been together, state name, UT or w/e, but do you know how much Jammu people or kashmir people hate each other? Why? There were so many damn reasons that I can't even count. I'll tell you abt Jammu people here. They hate not even kashmiri muslims but even kashmiri hindus too but not to the extent of being voilent, same goes for hindu kashmiri's, haven't seen voilence from there side too, however we all know the level of violence goes in Kashmir. Reasons - ex - If internet goes down in kashmir, it goes down in Jammu too where as violence in Jammu is 1/100 of kashmir or even less than that. We hate that we get dragged in every policy of center because of kashmir. If we get dragged, ladakh get's dragged too. Now, there always have been Muslim CM in J&K, never ever Hindu, it's not the religion of CM, we hate, it's the muslim appeasement where as muslims are not even minority in there. Imagine. Where center in UPA did minority appeasement for the vote bank, laughs are for the politics in J&K where they not only do Muslim appeasement, they soooo much encourage it. You wanna see the way people were treated? Ladakh, they were treated the worst. Worst. Just check this out
<< each and every damn word of it is true to the core. When center pays so much to the J&K govt with muslim leadership and they put 70% of that money for kashmir rather than dividing it equally, that's what happens. You are afraid is the same happen to you, my dear sir, same exactly has already happened to Kashmiri Hindus. People talk about kashmir and kashmir, and then kashmir, and ofcourse kashmir, and in UN whenever the topic comes, they name is "J&K" in papers, and there you go , jammu get's dragged.

I have so much to write, but this has gotten way too long. Remember one thing, when you have fear of one Govt, you will vote for the opposition but did you ever understand how you got that fear? and who benefits from that fear? Wire is one of many many other publications who is opposed to everything what this regime does, hence it's in their best interest's in creating fear to convince people to vote for the opposition. Why it still doesn't work? because my good sir, as I said before , people are sick of the opposition, they are done for good. That fear was created in your mind hence it works for their interests. It doesn't just go in journalism, it works in social media ofcourse aswell. I'll say watch The social dilemma, it's amazing how the news and media changes our mind and after 20-30 years, we might call ourselves humans but in reality we will be robots (probably including me) and puppets for them to do what they say without even realizing this is called Digital slavery.

Not being in the line of fire? we never get in line of fire. Not even under UPA. People under line of fire are the one's who have done corruption under NDA, are the one's who use violence. People talk about kashmir but never talk about the exodus of kashmiri Hindus, why? I pity the kashmiri Hindus, but the best thing they ever did when they were thrown out of kashmir was never take up arms and start terrorism. If that doesn't tell you the tolerance power of them, nothing will. Instead, they worked, and got jobs and gave education to their kids so that they can earn a good standard of living. Even though when they came to Jammu, and belonging to the same religion, people of Jammu hated them coz they took our jobs, but never did violence. Those were the people who were in line of fire and what did they do? No terrorism, no cry foul or none of them started journalism to punch or propoganda against UPA, they just remained calm while they had tears in their eyes and cried in their heart. I have so many friend's in kashmiri hindus community and all I see is, they don't even talk about the incident or don't even wanna raise their voice or don't want to exercise their freedom of speech. Now that's called true peace. They though whenever talked about, cried, and cried and had that cannon in their heart but I applaud how they over came it. I myself could never ever do it. You wanna exercise your right to speech, go ahead. But, if you don't know where and when you cross the line, then don't start crying for FOS, and FOE. Govt has the power and surely you can go to the judiciary. Are all those who get arrested is fair, may be not. But I see people getting arrested for abusing someone's god (me myself DGAF much abt religion personally). They should be thankful they are getting just arrested, the same if done to the other so called "peace loving religion" people, behead people. No one talks about that. No one! Why? coz it suits your agenda of hate towards current regime.

Life was destroyed, by the other sides years ago, no one gave a F and still not much has been done about it (even after getting rid of 370) but atleast something was done. Baby steps is all we can ask for.

Yeah, I can handle a conversation and not use abusive language at the same time, so... good for you.
When people call you a bhakt it means "a dimwitted selfish and and narrow minded person who is willing to screw others over for self righteousness".
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When people call you a bhakt it means "a dimwitted selfish and and narrow minded person who is willing to screw others over for self righteousness".
Ah, okay. Let me confirm that by asking 10 people and let's see if they say the same. You think their answer will match?

Calling BJP supporters bhakts, actually helps BJP alot lol.

For someone to see how the narrative is created. Wow, soros is actually in overreach's board of Facebook. Pathetic - https://www.youtube.com/c/StringReveals/videos

Anyone who enjoyed Greta and Rihanna, should be ashamed. I never say vote for BJP or congress or whatnot, it's a democracy, it's your choice, that's the beauty of democracy. But if you are gonna let other's into your house and kitchen, then your house will be the one becoming a joke.
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Anyone who enjoyed Greta and Rihanna, should be ashamed. I never say vote for BJP or congress or whatnot, it's a democracy, it's your choice, that's the beauty of democracy. But if you are gonna let other's into your house and kitchen, then your house will be the one becoming a joke.
I'm surprised that you have a problem with a pop-star & an environmental activist commenting on the violation of human rights in India.

Do you actually think protesting against violation of human rights is restricted to just national boundaries?

If your answer is an 'yes', then I'd gladly ask for your opinion on our Pradhan Sevak's interference (twitter pic attached) with USA's 'internal matters'.


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I'm surprised that you have a problem with a pop-star & an environmental activist commenting on the violation of human rights in India.

Do you actually think protesting against violation of human rights is restricted to just national boundaries?

If your answer is an 'yes', then I'd gladly ask for your opinion on our Pradhan Sevak's interference (twitter pic attached) with USA's 'internal matters'.
Or when he went to USA and said 'Ab ki baar Trump sarkar'. That halfwit didn't even realize that as a head of a state you're not supposed to show support to a candidate in another state.

And those who're supporting cowpee government, good luck with linking godi media's biased videos. Never gonna watch that shit.
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