iPhone 4s vs Samsung Galaxy S3

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guys please help me choose one of these.. their specifications sound quite similar and i already have an iphone 3g(Got kinda bored with it).
i will mainly use my phone for music, games(if i get bored while travelling or in a party) and photography. ya i do watch videos on it occasionally.
how is the sound quality on both of it? Please help me with your opinions..

God bless..
I am not better, but I never stutter ;) because what I say is true.
Besides, I'm here only to take the raw fun from the Fandroid users, they are so adorable sometimes, every kids are anyway.

You have not yet sold your S2/Note!!! Why don't you get a lag free iPhone and end your misery? iPhone 3GS is what 21k...

---------- Post added at 09:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------

Based on personal experience, I can confidently say that Siri is very poor in recognizing Indian accents, while Google Voice Search actually does a pretty impressive job.

Google now even displays bus schedules here in Pune if you are closer to a bus stop. Not yet tried it on railway stations and airport. Just waiting for EPL season to start so it will have man united cards and alerts!
May be you guys can call me as a fanboy, kid, stupid... because i used Legend(given to my brother),Currently has DHD(lying idle), S3(Given to my wife), HOX(S4, personally using), GTab+(Mostly used in Car)... Of-course i had ip4s and still has ipad2 3G(bought for my kid). Actually when i was forced to sell one of my 3 devices(HOX, S3 and ip4s), it was very easy decision for me to choose which one to sell, obviously you all know, which one it is. And the reasons for that decision, my very first post on this thread says clearly. I may not know LIBS, SO, BLOB, ROM, JB, TCS, INFY,BLABLA.. but i know very well how to use a smartphone and your so called technical jargons doesn't matter for using a smartphone . I've used most of the smartphones, SE P800, P900, P910, P990(yea, i was huge SE fan,liked UIQ) then MPX200, motorola A1000, SE X1i. I even like WP7(HD7), the main reason for that is, outlook client..(whoever used wp7 knows, how good email client is) and now waiting for WP8! In my experience, i can strongly say, Overall android is way better than iOS! It will take some time for iOS(if at all it survives and i've a strong feeling that WP(WP8 or later versions going to replace iOS slowly) to beat Android at least in terms of features.
May be you guys can call me as a fanboy, kid, stupid... because i used Legend(given to my brother),Currently has DHD(lying idle), S3(Given to my wife), HOX(S4, personally using), GTab+(Mostly used in Car)... Of-course i had ip4s and still has ipad2 3G(bought for my kid). Actually when i was forced to sell one of my 3 devices(HOX, S3 and ip4s), it was very easy decision for me to choose which one to sell, obviously you all know, which one it is. And the reasons for that decision, my very first post on this thread says clearly. I may not know LIBS, SO, BLOB, ROM, JB, TCS, INFY,BLABLA.. but i know very well how to use a smartphone and your so called technical jargons doesn't matter for using a smartphone . I've used most of the smartphones, SE P800, P900, P910, P990(yea, i was huge SE fan,liked UIQ) then MPX200, motorola A1000, SE X1i. I even like WP7(HD7), the main reason for that is, outlook client..(whoever used wp7 knows, how good email client is) and now waiting for WP8! In my experience, i can strongly say, Overall android is way better than iOS! It will take some time for iOS(if at all it survives and i've a strong feeling that WP(WP8 or later versions going to replace iOS slowly) to beat Android at least in terms of features.

Lat year I gifted my bro Samsung Focus. Rock solid device. Loved the Windows Mango. Shame they won't be updated to wp8.
Answers on the quote. With cydia, there's a lot of possibilities to go on.

Believe me each os have their different signature.
As for the price concern, I have a better photo editing tools to my cash/current account details on my iPhone. I don't need a lap to sync with my everyday things. For the cash I paid, I was happy. That's what a smartphone. I don't have time to cook/flash roms, all my android device I used never flashed a single rom. I just root to use some apps Adblock or so.

My replies in bold.
even 40k s3 also lags on quad core and s2 also lags.
its inherent nature of android OS that makes it lag.
even if you put hexacore with 4 gb ram,your android will lag due to simple fact that android runs all application in sandboxed enviornement

for lamer's

sandbox means virtual machine isolated from core OS

i hope android fan boy understand this basic fact about android written in English.

Sandbox is a Virtual Machine isolated from core OS? How?
Do explain, please.
Guys!A humble request please keep this thread civil!
Regarding the long list of question...
The only thing I miss in 4s os the super awesome Swiftkey.
It is definitely far better than ios keyboard.
Once jailbroken,Safari is perfectly capable of downloading anything off the net.
In fact it is better than the stock browser of HOX or GS3 in downloading(GS3's browser is pretty good though)
No one here mentioned about the awesome shutter speed of 4s and the fantastic camera module!?
Guys!A humble request please keep this thread civil!
Regarding the long list of question...
The only thing I miss in 4s os the super awesome Swiftkey.
It is definitely far better than ios keyboard.
Once jailbroken,Safari is perfectly capable of downloading anything off the net.
In fact it is better than the stock browser of HOX or GS3 in downloading(GS3's browser is pretty good though)
No one here mentioned about the awesome shutter speed of 4s and the fantastic camera module!?

You know what, I could use the same argument that some iPhone user used a few pages back to write off every android feature like I don't need USB storage, it is not a pen drive, we don't need extra keyboards blah blah. I would say how many pics do you take in a month, it's a phone not a camera, I'm not a running a photo studio.....
Anyway on serious note, personally I don't use camera much that's why I had no issues dumping my S2 for a Nexus with inferior camera.
Now even my 21.5k rupees nexus have a zero shutter lag camera. It even has panorama mode (I like this feature a lot and it is extremely useful when your on a trip, outing). I know there are third party apps that let you take panorama images, then there must be a reason Apple did not provide it in first place in the costliest phone on the planet.
S3 has burst mode, snap while recording and zero shutter lag too. And as far as picture quality is concerned you really have to inspect them carefully to come to the conclusion that one pic is better than other.
Again there are third party apps (for android and iOS)that let you take burst mode pics too, but they usually take low resolution photos. Talking about camera, Nokia pureview has the best camera!

---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 AM ----------

Sandbox is a Virtual Machine isolated from core OS? How?
Do explain, please.

Do not hold your breath. Now that you have caught him (still google searching for the next thing to post), the topic will be changed.
Ok... i'd also advice you to wait but if you can't then take it from me a guy who owns an iPhone 4 & the S3, I would like you to go with the S3...
I have a friend who runs a mobile shop which means i get my hands on new phones when they launch & some even before official launches in India, some which i like i buy, others i don't. But i get to use them for a day which is good enough for me.

Anyways, those that suggested HTC One X, Its not better than the S3, the Speakers Suck, if its your pocket ringing & your outside on the streets, you wont hear it. By Price point both are same. so its just a matter of personal preference. I didn't like its speaker sound so i decided not to go for it.

For the iPhone 4s, i didn't think it was a worthy upgrade for the iPhone 4, iPhone 5 will be so if you think you are leaning towards iPhone 4s then don't buy it cause iPhone 5 or the New iPhone will be a better choice & you'll regret buying the 4s with just 2 months to go for the alleged release date.

S3 has amazing features that i really like btw my upgrade pattern was Samsung S2, Samsung Note, Samsung S3 So i am used to the glitchy android behavior & It doesn't feel like a 35k device, but that's the point of it. people complain when devices are heavy, it amazing how it can sport a 4" + screen & still be that light, I like how i can place it in either left / right hand & still be able to reach & use the volume rockers & power switch with having to move the phone in my palm, I like how its video player can play all the videos you've loaded on the phone in thumbnail view (i have not seen any phone that does that) I like the display its something i have never experienced before, the contrast & the pixels are amazing, the blacks look awesome on screen.I like how there are millions of settings for the camera i can use & not just 2 camera option of iPhone (HDR & GRID on /Off ) I like the iPhone don't get me wrong, it has amazing app collection & thats all that i use it for, playing games when i am stuck somewhere for a few hours or navigating when i am out of city. but these things can also be accomplished on the S3 very easily, yes its not a big collection of useful apps & most of the apps on the market are junk. but there are some good apps.

So ultimately its your decision, if you haven't checked out the phones in person, i'd suggest you go & do that for both phone, cause no matter how much reviews we read / videos we watch, no matter how good a product is on paper, it all comes down to personal tastes & that is something all people don't have in common.
You know what, I could use the same argument that some iPhone user used a few pages back to write off every android feature like I don't need USB storage, it is not a pen drive, we don't need extra keyboards blah blah. I would say how many pics do you take in a month, it's a phone not a camera, I'm not a running a photo studio.....
Anyway on serious note, personally I don't use camera much that's why I had no issues dumping my S2 for a Nexus with inferior camera.
Now even my 21.5k rupees nexus have a zero shutter lag camera. It even has panorama mode (I like this feature a lot and it is extremely useful when your on a trip, outing). I know there are third party apps that let you take panorama images, then there must be a reason Apple did not provide it in first place in the costliest phone on the planet.
S3 has burst mode, snap while recording and zero shutter lag too. And as far as picture quality is concerned you really have to inspect them carefully to come to the conclusion that one pic is better than other.
Again there are third party apps (for android and iOS)that let you take burst mode pics too, but they usually take low resolution photos. Talking about camera, Nokia pureview has the best camera!

---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 AM ----------

Do not hold your breath. Now that you have caught him (still google searching for the next thing to post), the topic will be changed.

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