Nook HD+

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Seems the recovery options are different...But planning to try tomorrow (Holiday)..
BTW Trying to get a ebook reader app with the same UX of nook.. Which stops me from switching to AOSP..
Yeah, newer CWM or TWRP needed, but all the files are linked, so not much issue there. And happy hunting for the 2nd part. I've yet to see one !
In any case, if you do flash, please do post impressions as to whether all the things work or not. Also if ART is really useful or more of a gimmick !
Hehe. :p
HS = Homescreen
UCCW = Widget AWESOMENESS !! Search for it on Play Store and XDA
MCS = MyColorScreen (Google it !)

yes, had read about MCS long back. need to check how to use it. but all that is doable only on a rooted and custom ROM-fed Nook, isn't it?!
Which one is a better deal?
1. Nook HD+ (16 GB) for 8200 with shipping included (3 months old, 9/10), or
2. Nexus 7 2013 for 15000 + shipping (5 months old, 9/10).

My requirement is reading magazines/newspapers/sometimes books but also games/multimedia while bored or travelling. But new Nexus 7 good reviews have created confusion. I want a device which should not lag/hang up. Nook HD+ has good a bigger screen which is recommended for reading but Nexus is better in everything else. Kindly, guide me here.
Which one is a better deal?
1. Nook HD+ (16 GB) for 8200 with shipping included (3 months old, 9/10), or
2. Nexus 7 2013 for 15000 + shipping (5 months old, 9/10).

My requirement is reading magazines/newspapers/sometimes books but also games/multimedia while bored or travelling. But new Nexus 7 good reviews have created confusion. I want a device which should not lag/hang up. Nook HD+ has good a bigger screen which is recommended for reading but Nexus is better in everything else. Kindly, guide me here.
I think there was a similar qs on TE earlier. If you read magazines/newspapers a lot, a 7 incher is nearly useless. You have to keep zooming in all the time. The 7 incher excels in games and reading ebooks.

In fact my 8inch ipad mini is also small for magazines i feel as well. I like magazines like filmfare/ hollywood movies magazines and astronomy magazines and also love illustrated PDFs( Dorling kindersely books) and hence im saving money for Ipad Air.
Yep, you and raksrules have suggested me for a bigger screen, I remember that. Thanks for reminding me again. But I've not used Tablets much because I always had paper magazines/newspapers/books, but paper wastage bother me now along with some magazines which are not available in paper print here. As I told earlier in 30k for one ipad = 6 years+ with paper print magazines, not cost effective for me. And, 30k(ipad)+eprint magazines =40k+

Now for my query in this thread, I want to know which one is a VFM according to you guys. Is mentioned Nook HD+ priced rightly? I can adjust a bit of zooming in or out but cant get along with lags. I heard in reviews(3.5/5) that HD+ is bit sluggish with the default OS. Or, just released N7 (5/5 in reviews) will be better overall VFM caz generally I don't sell devices, normally pass to others. In short, this will be my first personal Tab and will stay with me for at least 2 years. I hope you guys got where I'm confused at.
Thank you.
the Nook is indeed a little sluggish on the default OS. still, though i haven't yet played any games on it, but know that gaming is a treat on it; the sluggishness doesn't mar the experience, if am correct. its only in the usual sifting through the homescreen(s) that one would notice a bit of a lag, and that could most probably be because it has been programmed so as to save battery-life as much as possible. if reading PDFs would be just occassional, then get the N7. you could read EPUBs and similar format-ebooks on it with ease, though reading PDF-ebooks would require zooming, but for infrequent reading, nothing that you can't handle.
for magazines - the N7 is nowhere close to the Nook! the Nook, whatever garb it is in, is primarily an e-reading device at the core. the N7 (with its handicap of a smaller screen), is a more all-rounder/VFM type of device (considering being 'future-proof' too; more so, in your own case).
^ What he said. For reading, don't look beyond the Nook HD+. I have been gaming, reading, watching movies/shows, editing documents etc. on mine (stock ROM), and the only lag is on the homescreen (while redrawing, generally after exiting a memory intensive app). The latest Apex launcher has a really low mem footprint, so even that is non-intrusive. Given the prie difference, HD+ is a no brainer.
If you want a real no-lag device, go for an iPad. Not because it's better, but because the OS is programmed as such. Every Android device will have a perceptible lag wrt iOS. Flaw of the software evolution (as Android wasn't initially planned for touch screens). That's what Google's trying to eliminate with ART.
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