Whey Protein, where to buy!

The advantage whey has over almost all other food is the protein per calorie.

eg - 4 large eggs - 200gms = 25gms protein - 285 calories. (Without any added oil, etc)
1 30gms scoop of Whey Isolate - 27gms protein - 110 calories total.
And how exactly is that a disadvantage for regular food (something that has been consumed for countless millennia without any issues)?
I need 2000 kcal per day to live. Please tell me based on this figure how whey helps.

Hey guys, I'm not deep into exercising, but I need to supplement my protein intake with whey because I'm not getting enough for my weight with my usual diet. I'm 84 Kgs and growing skinny fat due to reduced fitness activities over last 2-3 years & carb heavy, low protein diet. I've adjusted my diet, including 6-8 eggs, paneer & soy on most days but everyday consistency is lacking.
I'm targeting 120 gms for me but barely able to do 75-80 on average.
I need suggestions on brand to start with without breaking a bank so I can supplement my intake.
Easily digestible will be a good point to start with since it'll be my first outing with whey and taste is not actually a big factor, I can put up with quite a bit on the taste front.
And you think your condition is being caused because of low protein? Welcome to the power of marketing/advertisement and peer-suggestion.

You might be growing old, eating more simple carbs, drinking more fat, ... multiple reasons for growing fat.
And how exactly is that a disadvantage for regular food (something that has been consumed for countless millennia without any issues)?
I need 2000 kcal per day to live. Please tell me based on this figure how whey helps.

Quite simple. More protein for lesser total calories. It's simple math. If you want to consume less or more protein that's your choice....
Quite simple. More protein for lesser total calories. It's simple math. If you want to consume less or more protein that's your choice....
You mean to say ideal diet for a human being is complete protein = All your calorie requirements (energy spent in keeping your organs functioning, muscles functioning etc.) should come from proteins? Hence a food stuff that has a mix of proteins and carbs and fats is less than ideal and hence disadvatangeous?


Do you mean to say that by increasing protein intake from 60 g per day to 120 g per day (by replacing some portion of regular meals with whey power) I will start sporting Vidyut Jamwal physique?
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Correct me if i'm mistaken (not in touch with happenings in this arena) but wasn't Musclelaze talked about putting in sub-par material in their products and not giving as much protein in their serving as claimed ?
Unfortunately yeah, but after that they got certified by labdoor, which imo is the safest we can get without being testing it ourselves.
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Has anyone used whey from Optimum Nutrition? Is it better than or equivalent to MuscleBlaze?
Optimum Nutrition is regarded as one of thr best whey but it is imported and hence the cost is very high. But most importantly, there are lots and lots of counterfeit Optimum Nutrition products in the Indian market and it is kinda hard to tell original from fake.
Optimum Nutrition is regarded as one of thr best whey but it is imported and hence the cost is very high. But most importantly, there are lots and lots of counterfeit Optimum Nutrition products in the Indian market and it is kinda hard to tell original from fake.
Just buy from authorized distributors Touchstone/RK World infocom. I also heard the Chocolate/Vanilla blend is made in Himachal yet sold at Imported price. ON is good,noone wants to pay 3.3K for a Whey Blend.

Ordered a kit, let's see how it is
Me too. Gotta test my current whey: Nutrija 95% protein and Iso-gayor. I do hope many will test and post the results online of their whey product.
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Just buy from authorized distributors Touchstone/RK World infocom. I also heard the Chocolate/Vanilla blend is made in Himachal yet sold at Imported price. ON is good,noone wants to pay 3.3K for a Whey Blend.

Me too. Gotta test my current whey: Nutrija 95% protein and Iso-gayor. I do hope many will test and post the results online of their whey product.
Brooo, Nutrija 95% protein, Unflavored or with something? I also ordered that since, will be great to test 2 different batches, etc.
Correct me if i'm mistaken (not in touch with happenings in this arena) but wasn't Musclelaze talked about putting in sub-par material in their products and not giving as much protein in their serving as claimed ?
They were doing that but now they are certified I guess. Lab certification is a regular thing so check the website of the certification lab to verify if they are still in program or just did a one time testing of a 'special sample'.
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My first ever order with Myprotein, they didn't ship the damn thing for 10 days and no response to my many messages. After three 10 mins call attempt, got connected to their Indian support team who said nothing is in stock even though the site glitch allows customer to place new orders.

In my exp, Myprotein absolutely sucks & unreliable. Never gonna bother with them while i can get better & reliable delivery with other brands.
My first ever order with Myprotein, they didn't ship the damn thing for 10 days and no response to my many messages. After three 10 mins call attempt, got connected to their Indian support team who said nothing is in stock even though the site glitch allows customer to place new orders.

In my exp, Myprotein absolutely sucks & unreliable. Never gonna bother with them while i can get better & reliable delivery with other brands.

LOL. You seem to have horrible luck with them. My father ordered some around the 15th-16th after unflavoured Isolate came back in stock after ages and got his in 3-4 days. But like with everything the price has gone up quite a bit. I ordered Nutrija 95 Isolate and had issues due to the payment gateway but the guy finally sorted it out. Still going to figure out some independent testing via a lab since I botched the first test with the MuscleBlaze testing kit.
LOL. You seem to have horrible luck with them. My father ordered some around the 15th-16th after unflavoured Isolate came back in stock after ages and got his in 3-4 days. But like with everything the price has gone up quite a bit. I ordered Nutrija 95 Isolate and had issues due to the payment gateway but the guy finally sorted it out. Still going to figure out some independent testing via a lab since I botched the first test with the MuscleBlaze testing kit.
I was not alone. Check their twitter feed filled with people complaining about their orders forever on processing (3 weeks+). They replied with "sorry because we oversold it" only after i cancelled the order after 10 days .
I placed the order on 13th Aug before their 15th Aug sale and they couldn't fulfill it.

You cant even reach their customer service when needed and Zero response to my messages. I think I'll stick with Nutrija & the likes.

I do need some samples to test, so will try ordering their limited Keventer series (500 grm).
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