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  1. F

    CPU/Mobo Broken motherboard

    Thanks for the reply. Well the board runs but gives random blue screens, and GFX temp never goes below 75C even on 100% fan speed, so i decided not to use it to prevent any damage to other parts. About P45 mobo, any second hand is good enough? Even for stable OC around 3.2ghz?
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    CPU/Mobo Broken motherboard

    I accidently broke my AUS P5Q pro's capacitor near the PCIE slot(blue one), is there a way to fix that? If not then please suggest a cheap motherboard(around 5k) for my config: Q6600(will OC it), 4870x2, Silencer 750W PSU, Xigmatek cooling with 120mm fan.
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    Graphic Cards Palit HD4870 Sonic not showing Display

    First of all you people buy ATI cards and then complain. I mean why the hell anyone would buy a radeon, they SUCK! Nvidia4Life!!!
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    Graphic Cards Graphics look like Crap

    ATI sucks man, 4870 IQ is nothing as compared to their Nvidia counterparts, always buy a Nvidia Card. My 4870x2 died yesterday, LOL!
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    Graphic Cards ATI 4870 X2 is faster than GTX 295 & GTX 285

    Those performance numbers aren't so far from the truth IMO.
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    Graphic Cards HD5800 is MCM

    LOL, copied from Beyon3D forum a post made by Wirmish in august08: Beyond3D Forum - View Single Post - AMD: R8xx Speculation See the date : 25 august and Chiphell was too late to the party!
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    Graphic Cards PhysX to kick ATI in the guts HARD!

    Compute shader has already been released in the DirectX SDK November08.
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    Graphic Cards why price drops in graphics cards'are not translated in India immediately?

    It's all about the tax and conversion rate of currency, hardware in europe costs similar to hardware in India but there are a hell lot of people buying graphic cards in europe.
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    Graphic Cards PhysX to kick ATI in the guts HARD!

    Thats what they said about OpenGL too when it came out and now it bites dust compared to Direct3D. It really doesn't matter whether the API is open or not, if its not as good as compute shader then it won't be popular. Oh and I am only talking about games here as OpenGL is still widely used in...
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    CPU/Mobo Help required in selecting a motherboard

    Any p45 motherboard will do since you are going to OC on stock cooler only so it really doesn't matter. On stock it might go to 3.2 but with a good cooler it will go to 3.6 on a motherboard like P5Q pro.
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    Steam vs NonSteam

    Only in India, in europe you get 1000s of nonsteam servers with <20 ping :P
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    Graphic Cards ati crossfire

    I am not so sure about that cause I got horrible microstuttering in crysis using a 4850 and a 4870. But then again it maybe a driver problem and that was like 4 months ago.
  13. F

    Graphic Cards Is this OK for 4830 ?

    Exactly! Try all the games you play and if they run fine then you wouldn't need the more expensive stuff!
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    Graphic Cards PhysX to kick ATI in the guts HARD!

    No Physics API will be THE standard just like a game engine. Every game has its own requirements, some games would do expensive stuff like cloth and fluid particles but many games won't so it really boils down to the game developers what they want to use. I think compute shaders(DX11) is going...
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    Max Payne 3 - Discussion Thread

    Re: Rumour : Rockstar making Max payne 3 ? If you were careful enough then you would have noticed the lines at the end of max payne 2 credits: May payne's journey will continue through the night. That means another game I guess.
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    Graphic Cards Crysis Benchmark Thread

    Ok I did some tweaks and I gained more than 1 fps!! Also I got 30.3 fps @ 1680x1050 Very High, I don't have the screenie now.
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    Graphic Cards Crysis Benchmark Thread

    Rivatuner 2.10 Allows Clock and mem frequency changes and also Fan control, currently running mine at 100% , its like a washing machine :D
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    Graphic Cards Crysis Benchmark Thread

    GPU-z not running :( Q6600 G0 @ 3.6GHz Visiontek 4870 @ 807/1100 Vista 64bit
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    Graphic Cards GTX 200 Vs RV770 - Architecture Review

    Google is your friend, anyways I saved you some keystrokes: 4.4 Basic CPU Design Go to section 4.8.5 , those 'execution units' you see are SIMDs, the only difference is that in a CPU you have lots of instructions and little data, but in a GPU we have few instructions(read shader code) and lots...
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    Graphic Cards GTX 200 Vs RV770 - Architecture Review

    The ATI shader compiler tries to pack 5 instructions into a VLIW(very long instruction word) to feed the 5 ALU in a shader. As you can see these are the alu utilisation for different games.