I mean the movie looked the SAME with or without the 3D glasses!!
Without the glasses, the colours looked more brighter and vibrant, but the picture was very blurred. With the glasses it looked darker and so kinda difficult to make out the details. Otherwise NO difference at all. It looked completely flat both ways.
I'm not the only one having this problem. I was reading up on this to find out if there was some problem with my eyesight or something, but I found that many people are having the same problem in different countries.
Also, read an article that said that the 3D effect is produced by focusing the camera on the subject and making the background blurred, so that the object in focus looks like it has popped out of the screen. So to make out the 3D effect, one should also focus his vision on that subject and it would seem like the subject pops out of the screen. I have NO idea how accurate this is or not, but it could possible explain my inability to make out any effects. I was always trying to look at all the details in the background instead of the character's face or something, hoping to see the 3D effect, when infact I should've been doing the opposite.
But anyway going to Urvashi is like a punishment only with the cramped seats and bad sound. Would always PVR Europa (not classic) or Inox