Avatar-Movie of the year

kippu said:
nice post manu and antzz .... yes this phenomenon of fanboyism is kinda recent that i have been noting
It's not about Fanboyism. If you like a movie enough to rave about it, then you should. Why would a person be marked as a "fanboy" if he likes 'A' particular movie and feels the need to express it?
Ethan_Hunt said:
It's not about Fanboyism. If you like a movie enough to rave about it, then you should. Why would a person be marked as a "fanboy" if he likes 'A' particular movie and feels the need to express it?

You like a movie, so you get the right to rave about it. That doesn't however give you the right to trash talk others who might NOT have liked it.

PS - the trash talk comment wasn't directed at you per se, but in general at what quiet a few folks have been posting here on this thread.
m-jeri said:
This years top movies.. till now...


Ice Age 2

Transformers 2



The Twlight 2

Angels and Demons

The Hangover

Night at the museum 2

Star Trek

So none I think.

No offense man but the movies you have listed, considering you have done them in order are really not the top movies of this year. I'm specifically talking about Transformers 2, Twilight 2, 2012, Night at the Museum 2 etc..

Why these are still in the list you ask? Hype. No other word for it. Now, even producers in India have started realising that they are going to make almost all of their collections in the first weekend if they market the movie properly.

District 9 isn't there in the list which Aces170 also pointed out and Star Trek is way in the end.

Everyone is criticizing the lack of a story in Avatar but 2012 had the shittiest excuse for a story in a long time. I agree that the effects were spectacular but it was most certainly worse than Avatar. And that's not only a personal opinion. It sucked. Same with Transformers 2. Don't even get me started on Twilight 2.. The most selfish emo in the whole world who can't decide which half-breed to love and takes you on a trip to moping hell. God...
redcross said:
@pretttt.. what do u mean u did not see any 3D effects ? I watched it in Urvashi and there were many breathtaking 3D visuals.. did u have the 3D glasses ON. :D

I mean the movie looked the SAME with or without the 3D glasses!!
Without the glasses, the colours looked more brighter and vibrant, but the picture was very blurred. With the glasses it looked darker and so kinda difficult to make out the details. Otherwise NO difference at all. It looked completely flat both ways.

I'm not the only one having this problem. I was reading up on this to find out if there was some problem with my eyesight or something, but I found that many people are having the same problem in different countries.

Also, read an article that said that the 3D effect is produced by focusing the camera on the subject and making the background blurred, so that the object in focus looks like it has popped out of the screen. So to make out the 3D effect, one should also focus his vision on that subject and it would seem like the subject pops out of the screen. I have NO idea how accurate this is or not, but it could possible explain my inability to make out any effects. I was always trying to look at all the details in the background instead of the character's face or something, hoping to see the 3D effect, when infact I should've been doing the opposite.

But anyway going to Urvashi is like a punishment only with the cramped seats and bad sound. Would always PVR Europa (not classic) or Inox
^ AFAIK the 3D effect is made by throwing two lights (one for each eye) with different polarization. The left lens on the glasses block the image portrayed for the right eye and vice versa.
pretttt said:
I mean the movie looked the SAME with or without the 3D glasses!!
Without the glasses, the colours looked more brighter and vibrant, but the picture was very blurred. With the glasses it looked darker and so kinda difficult to make out the details. Otherwise NO difference at all. It looked completely flat both ways.

I'm not the only one having this problem. I was reading up on this to find out if there was some problem with my eyesight or something, but I found that many people are having the same problem in different countries.
lol, May be its new phenomenon, 3D eye deficiency :bleh:
Sei said:
No offense man but the movies you have listed, considering you have done them in order are really not the top movies of this year. I'm specifically talking about Transformers 2, Twilight 2, 2012, Night at the Museum 2 etc..

Why these are still in the list you ask? Hype. No other word for it. Now, even producers in India have started realising that they are going to make almost all of their collections in the first weekend if they market the movie properly.

District 9 isn't there in the list which Aces170 also pointed out and Star Trek is way in the end.

try making a top 10 of this year using any parameter and the list will look just as shitty...
You know guys, when they were just about to show Neytiri and Jake mating, I was expecting a scene where their tails entwine or something like that..hahaha... Many random groups of ppl in the movie hall were laughing and giggling thinking about the same I think...lol.
raptor3624 said:
You know guys, when they were just about to show Neytiri and Jake mating, I was expecting a scene where their tails entwine or something like that..hahaha... Many random groups of ppl in the movie hall were laughing and giggling thinking about the same I think...lol.

I was actually expecting something different :) I was hoping for them to "make a connection" with one of their "fiberwires" in their hair :D Remember, the ones that they use to "connect" to animals :p


PS: Guys, I reside in Mumbai and saw it in 3D at Fun Cinemas Chembur. Now, one of my friends is insisting that I see that movie again at IMAX 3D (wadala), coz he says it was so much better than regular 3D that's being shown in other theaters.

What say guys....is it worth spending 350 bucks per seat to watch the same movie again ? My friend was saying it's totally worth it coz of the "experience"

What would you guys recommend ?
jith77 said:
try making a top 10 of this year using any parameter and the list will look just as shitty...

I'm not trying to come up with a top movie list, but you simply cannot leave out movies like District 9 out of the top movies list. :p
pretttt said:
I mean the movie looked the SAME with or without the 3D glasses!!
Without the glasses, the colours looked more brighter and vibrant, but the picture was very blurred. With the glasses it looked darker and so kinda difficult to make out the details. Otherwise NO difference at all. It looked completely flat both ways.

I'm not the only one having this problem. I was reading up on this to find out if there was some problem with my eyesight or something, but I found that many people are having the same problem in different countries.

Also, read an article that said that the 3D effect is produced by focusing the camera on the subject and making the background blurred, so that the object in focus looks like it has popped out of the screen. So to make out the 3D effect, one should also focus his vision on that subject and it would seem like the subject pops out of the screen. I have NO idea how accurate this is or not, but it could possible explain my inability to make out any effects. I was always trying to look at all the details in the background instead of the character's face or something, hoping to see the 3D effect, when infact I should've been doing the opposite.

But anyway going to Urvashi is like a punishment only with the cramped seats and bad sound. Would always PVR Europa (not classic) or Inox

haahahha......lol u watched AVATAR in urvashi. Should have gone for a multiplex. No way ordinary screens can simulate 3D effects.
I think Nvidia 3d vison kit might do justice for this movie....When watching @ home that is.

PS:ppl in chandigarh can demo Nvidia 3D vision kit @ lynx........ask arambirji to show the whole movie:bleh:
ZOMG saw the movie in inox chennai i can term the awesomness of the movie in two words '' VISUAL POETRY '' cameron has gone all the way with this . he said if the movie becomes successfull there is gonna be two sequels for it :D :eek:hyeah: this was my first 3d experience boy was it worth it and also it felt like i was there inside the movie and could see objects coming towards during the forest scenes in pandora expecially the chase scenes i felt like the bushes and leaves were brushing on me and the battle scenes WERE EPIC !!!! this movie warrants a second viewing and NO ITS IS NOT AT ALL PREACHY
Sei said:
I'm not trying to come up with a top movie list, but you simply cannot leave out movies like District 9 out of the top movies list. :p

I dont think list of this year would be that bad.... Lemme try

1 Star Trek
2 Up
3 Hurt Locker
4 A serious Man
5 District 9
6 Inglorious Basterds
7 Coraline
8 Hangover
9 Up in the Air
10 The Road
11 The Blind Side (have to yet see reviews are awesome)

And trust me not made the list with an attempt to keep top grossers or picking only alternate ( not mainstream) movies. Yeah year had really really bad disappointments with Terminator 4, GI Joe, Watchmen, Wolverine etc. All most expected ones were sad.

So as correctly said above we not saying those love movie are just being a fanboy.... no not saying that at all...

Fanboyism is best seen ... like go to Rottentomatoes.com there are like 3-4 critics who have said its bad etc ... and all have like 70 -80 comments abusing them saying u have no idea what you talking....

its an opinion like someone said all have one :)...

Rest no to take anything away its still in my eyes my second most visually stunning movie i have ever seen. My no.1 is The Fountain ... may be becoz the soundtrack of Fountain is so brilliant it added a lot more to the beauty of simple things.


and just becoz of the visual grandeur i agree it merits second viewing too
will be going for this movie tomorrow.

not going to read any comments as i don't have any choice but to go for the movie....:p

Those hwo have watched it already...pray for me if the movie sucks. :p
I saw it today . In INOX 3D, MG Road Blore!

Story= Meh!!

Visual= Best I've seen in any movie! 3d Effects were cool!!!

A liitle effort on the story and this could've been my favorite of the year!
antz123 said:
Yeah year had really really bad disappointments with Terminator 4, GI Joe, Watchmen, Wolverine etc. All most expected ones were sad.

Watchmen and disappointing? I loved the movie - it was just so deep and the fact that not everything can be measured in black and white was so very ingrained in every single bit of the movie. Okay the villain was a bit of a caricature but everything else was stunning.