Delhi gang-rapists sentenced to death

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When people start searching for the root cause for this menace, so many skeletons will fall off from cupboards. It is easier to blame it all on 4 culprits, hang them, have a rave and forget everything.
So let me get this straight...a potential rapist in our country is willing to go through all the trouble of planning how he'll meticulously reduce his life sentence just to rape a woman when instead he could hire a commercial sex worker?
Going by that logic, why did they rape a girl if they could hire a commercial sex worker?
Going by that logic, why did they rape a girl if they could hire a commercial sex worker?

What? Please explain.[DOUBLEPOST=1379651646][/DOUBLEPOST]
When people start searching for the root cause for this menace, so many skeletons will fall off from cupboards. It is easier to blame it all on 4 culprits, hang them, have a rave and forget everything.

So we continue piling skeletons in our closet?
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@ithehappy and others: Please post only if you can do so without name calling or attacking fellow members personally. It will not be tolerated. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, and if you cannot accept the same, please rather stay away from the thread.
I didn't attack anyone personally. That was never my goal. But when I saw 'rapism/murderism supporters' here in very TE, I couldn't resist myself. I am going out from this pathetic discussion. Everyone is entitled to his opinion, and I respect that, I never go into a topic and state my opinion, but this was a 'different' case, I don't know whether you realize it or not, or maybe you realize but just plain ignorance, as I said before, as long as 'my' family members aren't hurt I won't 'feel' it and will continue lecturing.
Best of luck and keep raping and murdering.
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What is even scarier is well-educated people like TE members itthehappy, Sanav3, Prole73 and raj_pol setting an example for the unaware and the uneducated.

That's a very smart move sid_donnydarko, supporting a death sentence for a gruesome murder/rape and honor killings are the same :thumbs up:
I am out of this discussion.
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I didn't attack anyone personally. That was never my goal. But when I saw 'rapism/murderism supporters' here in very TE, I couldn't resist myself. I am going out from this pathetic discussion. Everyone is entitled to his opinion, and I respect that, I never go into a topic and state my opinion, but this was a 'different' case, I don't know whether you realize it or not, or maybe you realize but just plain ignorance, as I said before, as long as 'my' family members aren't hurt I won't 'feel' it and will continue lecturing.
Best of luck and keep raping and murdering.

Rapism/Murderism?!? What next? A discussion doesn't become pathetic just because you cannot contribute in a civil fashion.

That's a very smart move sid_donnydarko, supporting a death sentence for a gruesome murder/rape and honor killings are the same :thumbs up:
I am out of this discussion.

Really? Did you even read my earlier post? What i meant to say is that its the responsibility of educated TE members like yourself to in turn educate the unprivileged/unaware/older generation against violence and barbarism like honor killings. Vehemently supporting the death sentence, without balancing other options, only serves to 'enable'; give the older generation/unprivileged/unaware an excuse to continue killing in the name of honor and what not.

If you don't understand what someone posts, then just ask them to elaborate further. There's no harm in asking.
What? Please explain.[DOUBLEPOST=1379651646][/DOUBLEPOST]

So we continue piling skeletons in our closet?

Let me clarify my point. I am not against death penalty at all. But am against barbaric practices like lynching (Iranian style for example) or quick sentencing, etc. where there are major chances of innocent getting killed, political /other manipulations, revenge, etc. which some TEians and feminazis are craving for. Also, executing a minor, where society vying for young boy's blood without thinking from where, how and why minor got such a perverted psyche. Society cannot ignore their collective responsibility in such cases.

As for death penalty for these 4 rapists, there are concerns that this is crowd appeasement. People asks for justice in cases like Kherlanji massacre which were brutal. Lot of violent images of that case in internet, I don't think any one cared for such cases and whether justice is served. Perpetrators of such heinous crime still live a cozy life, enjoys their company with politicians on the top and drive things.

For me quick and shallow solutions never solve any problems. Blaming it entirely on men or women will never solve these problems. Some blame old people for problems !, even when most crimes are done by under 40s. There should be a root cause analysis, deep research by intellectuals with opinions taken from entire walks of society. Ignoring voices from mass population like that of India (also taking whole clue from west underestimating Indian psyche) is only going to aggravate the problem. I don't want world to keep filling skeletons in the closets, I don't want skeletons at all. I hate these skeletons sooo much :)
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Same thought, and also with 14 years of imprisonment they would keep trying to reduce term in higher courts and get out sooner. Graduating to bigger crimes in the society.
I don't think they will be able to reduce the sentence but after 14 years they will be out. So the problem is we do not have
- life without parole
- consecutive life sentences

Therefore we use the death penalty. Because these people are a threat to society.

The answer then is to address those two lacuna.[DOUBLEPOST=1379676285][/DOUBLEPOST]
When people start searching for the root cause for this menace, so many skeletons will fall off from cupboards. It is easier to blame it all on 4 culprits, hang them, have a rave and forget everything.
This would be an over simplification.[DOUBLEPOST=1379676601][/DOUBLEPOST]
This is a different subject. Honour killings.

What connection is there to this topic.
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This is a different subject. Honour killings.

What connection is there to this topic.
Both are majorly a crime against women, and their freedom. Both have abysmal convication rates. Both have much of the society blaming the victims for bringing it upon themselves. Both thrive on the protectionist and revenge culture that is so prevalent in the society.
Yes symptoms are the same but the basis is different. The reason for abysmal conviction rates is because of power equations at play. The Khaps keep the peace and rally people to vote, all political parties know this so they turn a blind eye or go slow. Effectively it means the writ of the state is curbed for political considerations. Its a stalemate.

To pass convictions is to challenge the Khaps on their own turf, they won't take it lightly and will fight back. They can create a bigger mess.

Am not sure how you tackle this situation ?
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blrkb0t, a man was also brutally killed, they beat him violently, broke his arms and legs and then proceeded to behead him. And the likes of you only have feelings for women. For each women suffering, I think double the number of men may also be suffering. It will be great if some people take good old female appeasement trick out of everything they see and come out a little more mature.

Also, a little bit of self responsibility takes you a long way, there is no harm is practicing it when the whole world is going ape shit.
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Rapism/Murderism?!? What next? A discussion doesn't become pathetic just because you cannot contribute in a civil fashion.

Really? Did you even read my earlier post? What i meant to say is that its the responsibility of educated TE members like yourself to in turn educate the unprivileged/unaware/older generation against violence and barbarism like honor killings. Vehemently supporting the death sentence, without balancing other options, only serves to 'enable'; give the older generation/unprivileged/unaware an excuse to continue killing in the name of honor and what not.

If you don't understand what someone posts, then just ask them to elaborate further. There's no harm in asking.
Dude you are not their lawyer.
And in a civilised society people have the option to agree to disagree, move on.
blrkb0t, a man was also brutally killed, they beat him violently, broke his arms and legs and then proceeded to behead him. And the likes of you only have feelings for women. For each women suffering, I think double the number of men may also be suffering. It will be great if some people take good old female appeasement trick out of everything they see and come out a little more mature.

Also, a little bit of self responsibility takes you a long way, there is no harm is practicing it when the whole world is going ape shit.
I was not talking about that specific case. I am sure even many men are suffering, but I don't think the number is greater than women. How many men get raped in comparison to women? How many men get acid thrown in their faces in comparison to women? How many men face restrictions at home, outside, and everywhere where they go, compared to women?

It was not "female appeasement"; I don't even know which female I am appeasing here. Statistically, women are more prone to get attacked due to their gender than men.
Dude you are not their lawyer.
And in a civilised society people have the option to agree to disagree, move on.

In a civilized society, people may go great lengths into understanding why person on the otherside is disagreeing with you. It is at this point agreeing to disagree happens. Not when you misunderstands other's, their idea and try to casually swish out.
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