Fuel price updates thread

Get ready for another 4 rupees hike.It might happen on 3rd when Up poll completes.Or on 6th or 7th when goa poll dates completes.
These companies will increase the price when global per barrel price increases but will never decrease when the global one decreases. Sick companies. Sick government.
leeches. horrible, worthless, shameless govt. in their tenure, i've seen prices of almost all essential things like milk, bread, vegetables, fruits double in the last two years. they're increasing prices over this and adding more sales tax and gst on top thinking its not enough. :mad:
all our finance ministers are very bad at managing the country's finances. all they do is to increase taxes as a stop gap measure and kill poor people.
leeches. horrible, worthless, shameless govt. in their tenure, i've seen prices of almost all essential things like milk, bread, vegetables, fruits double in the last two years. they're increasing prices over this and adding more sales tax and gst on top thinking its not enough. :mad:
all our finance ministers are very bad at managing the country's finances. all they do is to increase taxes as a stop gap measure and kill poor people.
and now we have one of those thieves as our president.

Recently while returning to Hyderabad I got a chance to meet Abdul Kalam, who was travelling in the same Indigo flight - travelling further to Coimbatore. Considering his status as ex-president he could've got a private flight. But it was his humility that he was travelling in the same economy class. Had it been Pratibha Patil or Robert Vadra they would've demanded a private flight.
The person who has 4 charges pending against him in the court is now the 13th president of this god forsaken country.

Now he enjoys full immunity, kisi ka baap bhi abhi Kuch nahi ukhad sakta uska.

Another Gandhi Family chaatu.
I guess the only part left now is to suck the blood out of poor people.

That already has been going on for a long, long time in India ....... for centuries. Today it's official too, their survival @ Rs27/day [courtesy Montek Singh & gang].....

Petrol will always be on a roll (world stocks to last only until 2050 or so). Ten years from now it would touch Rs 500/litre :(. We would continue cursing all and sundry ...... Wake up assh***s to REALITY
do u work for an OMC company? i guess even the petroleum minister wont have this info so soon and u seem to have the info before a week itself !!!!!
Riding 32km isnt a big deal, given you have decent stamina and do some sort of exercise add to that a good bike will only come in handy while covering 32km..

One can cover the said distance in 1 and half hour.

I need a bicycle now to travel 32km daily. :S

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

It may rise further in years to come.. rather than saving gold, we better save petrol and sell it in future ;)
Problem with yahoo reporting is they dont have a measure of things.

When people b**ch about high prices of petrol in India, I quote this article:
Highest & Cheapest Gas Prices by Country: Pain at the Pump - Bloomberg

It is highest in Norway. Though there is another side to it.

India ranks 43rd as far as pricing is concerned but the relative PPP causes the highest "Pain at Pump" factor:

Highest & Cheapest Gas Prices by Country: Pain at the Pump - Bloomberg

It says an : "The average daily income in India is $3.97. The average Indian needs to work 1.4 days to afford a gallon of gasoline."