Finally !! after endless hours of brain bursting and pestering
dinjo and varkey
This what I think have managed to setup Archlinux Arm on my Goflex Home
The credit goes to varkey from suggesting hardware to step by step guidance and also dinjo who was there during the critical moments of the setup and helping me out with tips and suggestions. Thanks a bunch guys. Now I'd love to learn where to go from here![]()
[root@alarm ~]# umount /dev/sda2
umount: /dev/sda2: not mounted
[root@alarm ~]# mount /dev/sda2
mount: you must specify the filesystem type
^ Well, you need to format the partition too.You can do everything from Webmin itself, including the mounting.
ERROR: Running makepkg as root is a BAD idea and can cause permanent,catastrophic damage to your system. If you wish to run as root, please
use the --asroot option.
pacman -S openssl python2-pyopenssl
pacman -S pyload
[root@alarm pyload]# python -sChoose your Language / Wähle deine Sprache ([en], de, fr, it, es, nl, sv, ru, pl, cs, pt_BR):
Welcome to the pyLoad Configuration Assistent.
It will check your system and make a basic setup in order to run pyLoad.
The value in brackets [] always is the default value,
in case you don't want to change it or you are unsure what to choose, just hit enter.
Don't forget: You can always rerun this assistent with --setup or -s parameter, when you start pyLoadCore.
If you have any problems with this assistent hit STRG-C,
to abort and don't let him start with pyLoadCore automatically anymore.
When you are ready for system check, hit enter.
## System Check ##
Python Version: OK
pycurl: OK
sqlite3: OK
pycrypto: missing
py-OpenSSL: OK
py-imaging: missing
tesseract: missing
PyQt4: missing
Your installed jinja2 version 2.6 seems too old.
You can safely continue but if the webinterface is not working,
please upgrade or deinstall it, pyLoad includes a sufficient jinja2 libary.
jinja2: missing
beaker: OK
JS engine: OK
System check finished, hit enter to see your status report.
## Status ##
Features available: ssl connection, Webinterface, extended Click'N'Load
Featues missing:
no py-crypto available
You need this if you want to decrypt container files.
no Captcha Recognition available
Only needed for some hosters and as freeuser.
Gui not available
The Graphical User Interface.